As the explosion sounded Charlotte threw herself instinctively to the ground and covered her head with her arms. Her ears rang afterwards and she looked up half expecting to see the others dead, but instead she saw that Quinn had managed to rip Celty away from the source of the blast at the last second thanks to Alyssa’s warning. She jumped to her feet and watched as the others sprang into action. Everything happened so quickly that before she knew it they were all outside before the dust had even properly settled from the trap, her instincts told her to flee as quickly as she could – only her desire to stay with the others prevented her, as well as of course the fact that on her own her wounded leg would make her a prime target for the Blood Army. She stood beside Celty as she stared through the scope of her rather impressive rifle, listening as she spoke "We have less than five until they get here", causing Charlotte to frown and bite her tongue as panic shot through her. It wasn’t long, but thankfully the group already had their belongings together. She couldn’t help but think how much worse everything would be if someone had triggered the trap in the middle of the night. Quinn quickly barked some instructions "If we disperse through the houses it should break their line of sight. It won't get us as far away as a straight line, but we're no good in the open. Celty, try and take out the engines if you can, failing that the drivers but don't stick around too long. Nobody needs to be a hero today." Charlotte gazed at him and noticed how uneasy he looked as he did. Their eyes met for a moment and Charlotte looked away out of more habit that anything else. Her mouth already was going dry as she tested her weight on her leg once more. It still stung like hell, but at least she’d be able to move quickly enough so that she wouldn’t be [i]much[/i] of a liability to them. Her heart continued to pound as she made her way outside and glanced around. The suburbs they were in were fairly large and sprawling, easy to get lost in she knew from experience. She wasn’t sure exactly what direction Gainsville was or how far they’d have to go. She shot a glance towards the car they were going to be abandoning and thought about how much easier it would be to drive. But of course Alyssa was right, it’d be far too loud and the BA would have no problem following them with their own vehicles and they’d have more fuel and resources that the group could even dream of. As she took the first few strides pain again lanced though her leg catching her by surprise. She hadn’t expected it still to be quite so fresh and a small cry of pain escaped her lips despite her attempts to remain silent. She paused realising that without someone’s help she wouldn’t be moving very quickly at all, but she couldn’t bring herself to say anything and pushed through the pain. In her mind she was scared that the others would abandon her… after all it would be the logical thing to do and just two days ago it’s what she would have done without hesitation.