[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/cSvfqoW.png[/img][/center][center][b]-> [@Shadeflare123] [@Deos Morran] <- GM: [@MechonRaptor][/b][/center][hr] Everyone else seemed to agree with the notion of taking a breather, especially with the only thing between them and the next town was another route and Zamak Ruins. One of them was a little more excited than the others, though, as Aiden was practically already prepared to make a meal as they walked away from the eternal dust of the dig site, Nier precariously running circles with Zorex around him. Nov couldn't help but laugh at the unrestricted energy of their Pokemon. It probably wasn't a very good combo to have two balls of hyperactivity around, but what can you do. It was a very short trip before they stopped at the part of the route where a bunch of other trainers were hanging around. The rest area was little more than just a significantly wider part of the road combined with some benches and worn plains, but it was on the half-way point and was sheltered by the wind by the surrounding hills of desert-esque knolls. Nov had no idea what Aiden was gonna do for their on-road lunch, though. Maybe he had a lot more than they did, but all Nov had was the remnants of a cupboard raid and the last few bites of a sandwich. The team found a good spot to set up with ease, and while Aiden was messing around with all his travel equipment, Novis found little else to do but sit down on the ground and throw a stick for Nier. The little dog didn't return it, but instead found enjoyment out of showing the twig to Zorex. [color=red]"Need any help there, dude?"[/color] Nov called out to Aiden, lounging back onto his arms. [color=red]"Don't got much else happening, so if you're gonna cook for us, we'll do what we can. Right, Rox?"[/color] He looked up at Roxy, just to make sure that there wasn't gonna an odd person out of work. [center][b]| Excavation Site -> Rest Area |[/b][/center]