Callie smiled, and said [color=fff000]"Thank you, it looks wonderful"[/color] It did look fabulous, and callie was almost loath to eat it, but the smell of the food was just too irressitable, besides she thought if she didn't eat, her stomach might just revolt. As Silas took his leave again, Callie picked up her knife and fork, cutting off a bite. It was, perhaps one of the best things she had ever tasted, and she had to stop herself from making a "Yummy" sound. [color=fff000]"It has to be illegal for something to be this good"[/color] She said, happily taking another bite, enjoying the food. She was faminished, and didn't want to eat to quickly, but it was just so good. She stopped a moment, and took a small sip of the wine, well content and comfortable in the place. She decided she didn't need to know what Silas was. He was a good person, and to Callie that meant a lot more then what type of creature anyone was. Her gaze slid to Caius, and she smiled. How could her life have been completely horrible one moment, and then changed forever the next, by the appearance of Caius? Perhaps she shouldn't question it. She'd just enjoy it, and this fabulous food. She did blush as a sudden thought filled her, glancing away, back to her plate. [@Kyrisse]