[h2]Nishimura Yuki[/h2] "... A mage?" Yuki paused for a moment, thinking that suggestion over. While it was true that she used magic, she wasn't necessarily sure that she qualified as a [i]mage[/i] exactly. But that could have a lot to do with her personal perception of what exactly one would call a mage. To her, mage brought to mind someone who cast ancient spells and did a whole lot of reading from scrolls and stuff. Or books. Maybe, in some contexts, summoned ancient spirits from the past to fight for a legendary relic or something. Yuki herself punched things. Really hard and in a very awesome fashion she was quite proud of, but she wasn't sure it exactly made her a mage. Still, she did use magic. "Ummm... I guess you could say I'm a mage? I use magic and all, so that's one way to describe me." Her hand found the back of her head. She really wasn't sure about this, and it made her feel a bit awkward... and then her irritation swelled as she tried to brush the confetti out of her hair. Where had the fairy even gotten so much?! Meanwhile, Ruru seemed to swell with pride as Vivi attempted to pronounce her name. "See, Yuki-chan?!" Ruru declared cheerfully, "This is his first time meeting me and he's trying to say my name way harder then you did! You're awesome, Vivi-kun!" Yuki's attention turned from brushing the confetti out of her hair to glaring at her fairy. "It's not my fault your name is nearly unpronounceable," she complained, folding her arms under her chest once more. "None of the other fairies have a name like that." "It makes me more memorable!" responded Ruru brightly. Yuki sighed, before her attention returned to Vivi. "Anyway, Vivi-kun... you said there was a castle, right? Do you know where it is? If we head there, we might be able to figure some things out." [@RolePlayerRoxas] [hr] [h2]Konpaku Youmu[/h2] Who... who was this straw hat wearing guy, just suddenly jumping over the pile of unconscious bodies to run right towards her? He looked impressed by her defeat of the strange men(one of whom was stubbornly clinging to consciousness and weakly groaning, possibly about poor decisions he had made that day), but that assumption was quickly dispelled when he knelt down in front of her and... loudly commented on her height. For a moment, Youmu's blue eyes were simply wide in bewilderment at the situation, as her phantom half drifted to and fro behind her. Her hand slipped off the hilt of her katana... and she found herself blushing in embarrassment. Her height wasn't... that is, she wasn't too short or anything, was she? Sure, there were a fair number of people no matter where she went who were taller, sometimes by quite a bit, but... that blonde witch was about the same height as her and there were some others, so it wasn't like she was strangely short or something, right? The white-haired girl's gaze drifted to the left and downward, her phantom half making a similar motion with the bulkier upper portion of its shape. "I-I'm not [i]that[/i] short..." Youmu mumbled, her cheeks still flushed from her height being taken note of. [@Masterkeun] [@MacDuffy]