[@Gowi] Well, as I said, they're perfectly fine and organized for me. I don't usually write "like a blob" as you said, cramping everything together, but I also think that excessive formatting is both too tiring and unnecessary. Typos are very rare, since I actually DO get ashamed when I write something wrong. Be it only because I wasn't paying attention or because I was writing them from my cellphone. People often have different standards regarding to post formatting and different writing styles. I don't think there is anything wrong with my posts. Especially due to the fact that I tend to separate each sentence that a character say, so its easier to read the dialog itself. I tend to organize every post in a way so its easier to read the dialog between two characters. Separating each sentence, followed by the character's thoughts behind the sentence or any specific action performed by it following the said sentence. I can use a formal, more correct and traditional formatting if you want. You just have to tell me to do so. I started doing so because many people used to complain about my posts and their formatting when I started writing on the "Free Roleplay" forum. After some time, I started to organize my posts like that so they wouldn't get too cramped and tiring to read (the way they are organized you can straight up ignore most things directly after my character's answers (mainly my character thoughts & things like that.) and still understand what's happening. PS: don't misunderstand the way I'm writing. I'm not mad or anything, writing like this is just a bad habit of mine (using formal words etc.)