[center][h2] - Emily 'Jolt' - [/h2][/center] [center][@Silver Carrot][/center] It appeared that Emily had gotten lost. Well, not lost entirely. That would imply that it had been involuntary. But nevertheless she found herself wandering the halls of the dorms, allowing her feet to take her wherever they wished to go. She had all the time in the world, and there was certainly a lot to see. She spotted a couple of particularly odd or interesting-looking creatures, and she made mental notes to see what was up with them. She also made sure that nobody mistook her for a willing student, loudly decrying the educational system, dorms, teachers, and even the other students, all with a cheerful tone. Satisfied in her brief reconnaissance, Emily eventually found herself in front of her dorm room. Sighing she entered, wondering if her roomie would already be there. As she entered, she was surprised to see a horse. No, there was a person on top of the horse. A part of the horse. Having never seen a centaur, Emily's eyes widened for a moment, as she joyfully declared 'holy sh*t, you're a horse! Sweet!'. Grinning from ear to ear she dropped down on her bunk, turning to look at the strange horse-girl who would apparently be her roomie for the year. "You're my roommate? Nice to meet you! My name's Emily, but people call me Jolt. What kinda creature are you anyway? Horsewoman?" With a brief laugh, Emily went over into a barrage of questions, not caring that she wasn't giving the other girl a chance to answer. "So why are you here? Did someone beat you up, or did your parents send you? I bet it's the parent thing, right? Lots of people get sent here by their parents. Do you have any cool hobbies? Do horses even have hobbies? Ooooh! Do you eat grass?"