[h1][color=Red]Monkey D. Luffy[/color][/h1] Rubbing his finger at the touch of the phantom, Luffy smiled. [color=Red]"Ooooh....it's cold!"[/color] He then looked at Youma at the sound of her yelp, tilting his head in confusion as he explained her connection to her phantom half. [color=Red]"...Oooh, okay...."[/color] he replied, only half-getting it. [color=Red]"So you both feel the same stuff?...Wow, you must be [i]really[/i] good friends, then!"[/color] At Ryu's mention of the harbor, Luffy turned to face him, elated. [color=Red]"Ah-..The harbor? Great! That's actually where I need to go! Thanks, Blue Guy!"[/color] He took hold of the map, staring at it intently for a moment. [color=Red]".....Hrrrrm.....[i]Mrrrrmm....[/i]..."[/color] [color=Red]"....Which way's East?"[/color] [@Masterkeun] [@VitaVitaAR]