[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161203/27a034e8ea53c1b04481b19ad78c9a9c.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i68.tinypic.com/66dpxw.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b][color=DC143C]Location:[/color][/b] Leaving Hyde Park [/center][hr][hr] Fyror kept a watchful eye on the advancing fog as he and his brother Leon followed the woman to the nearest exit. His hand was instinctively rested on the hilt of his sword, not that it would do much good if the Cargast did come for them. From his limited knowledge of this type of Soulless, he knew that it could only be truly killed by capturing the mist in a Pentatone Box and then undergoing the purification process. Unfortunately, it wasn’t his area of expertise as his training in Japan focused on the areas of strength and speed based fighting for defeating Ryne and Hraew. At this very moment, he regretted not pursuing further training. He hated feeling useless to help someone. The fog suddenly stopped advancing and tore off in the opposite direction where it vanished under a bridge and into the mist above the water. It gave Fyror little relief as he had a nagging feeling that there would be more Soulless to deal with this day. The air was filled with the sounds of people screaming as they scattered away from the scene, and in the middle of Hyde Park laid the lifeless body of the Cargast’s victim. He felt a pang of sadness knowing what the poor girl had gone through, and after 72 hours she would change into a Soulless Cargast. Her fate was to become an abomination to the living. Fyror, Leon, and the woman soon arrived at the closest exit from Hyde Park. Fyror continued to scan their surroundings for any new threats while he listened to what the woman had to say. He nodded his head in acknowledgement to her statement that she would go to a nearby church to receive aid for dealing with the Cargast. It seemed to be a logical place to go to. Though she said it was nearby, he was hesitant about letting her travel alone considering there was a possibility that there were more Soulless out there. He wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if something happened to her because he wasn’t there to help protect her. However, his mind also went to his mother and sister who he had left in a nearby inn. They were probably worried sick, and he would hate for them to risk stepping outside into all of this madness. Perhaps he could send Leon. Though he didn’t have nearly the same amount of training as Fyror, it was a better option than his mother and sister having no one to keep them safe. Fyror couldn’t help but glance over at the woman when he heard the note of happiness in her voice at her realization that he had given her his name. He gave her a small smile when she told him her name: [i]Jeanette Crane[/i]. She was evidently eager to get going, and Fyror couldn’t blame her. He turned to Leon and quickly spoke to him, [color=DC143C]“Leon, I need you to go back to the inn and make sure our mother and sister stay there. I can’t leave Jeanette to travel alone. Keep our family safe while I am gone.”[/color] Fyror left Leon little time to object as he took off after Jeanette. He prayed that his family would be safe through all of this. London clearly wasn’t as safe as people would like to think it was.