[center]Su-Mi Kim[/center] [center][img]http://i1127.photobucket.com/albums/l630/kim23412/title726150919_zps01skcjyh.png [/img][/center] Su-Mi stared hard as she watched the figure quickly disappear. [i][color=ed1c24]"Great thanks to lover boy we lost 'em"[/color][/i] Su-Mi huffed. [color=7bcdc8]"be nice he's trying"[/color] she whispered before turning to Hiro. [color=7bcdc8]"Ok, Ok, the plan still stands. I have an idea. Aki, of course, ignored my advice and seems to be playing tag with Kenny-Boy"[/color] she growled As she was no longer Su-Mi..But seemed on the brink of triggering her quirk due to frustration and anger. [color=7bcdc8]"Now, It was Stupid of us to all split up right at the beginning of the assessment... So we should corner around where Aki is and give back up. If we take down the big Boss then we can knock out the littler ones....What do you think?"[/color] he turned to Hiro for confirmation as they huddled against the corner of a tall building. She wasn't sure where Sazama was but she wouldn't dare get in her way unless she called for assistance. [color=7bcdc8]"Do you know what scratch that. that's an awful plan we would just get in the way...Ok, let's scope out the area...Unseen and then we see how we can retrieve any hostages under the villain's noses."[/color] She ducked down low as she was almost crawling along the side of the building. There she spoke into the communicator. [color=7bcdc8]"figure was lost..However we will scan the lower area and get back to all of you when we see any possible trapping points. Aki...If you're after Ken it's best if you go near chase him towards the entrance of the city, there are two conjoined buildings that are perfect for cornering him...just a suggestion"[/color] she called quickly before heading out into the streets. Su-Mi scanned the windows of the buildings carefully. [color=7bcdc8]"Make sure you check alleys and dead ends...Everywhere..If you find anything suspicious tell me"[/color] she called out before heading down the street a little further.There she heard hurried footsteps. She gasped as she traveled further. She whispered into her communicator. [color=7bcdc8]"Someone is nearby...Head towards the fountain down the street into the junction of the main route...I'll meet you there...that's where we can assess a good access point to find them."[/color] Then she ran swiftly towards the where the footsteps came from. Unsure who or what but she kept her distance and kept hidden. She was going to prove herself today...if it isn't with her quirk then it would be for her smarts. [i][color=ed1c24]"Do not be seen. Though I am about ready to snap and take over. This is taking too long!"[/color][/i] [color=7bcdc8]"patience...No one has really seen what we can do..." [/color] [@Shmektheshmuck] [@Gutshot] [@pKKen]