[@thewizardguy] Eilidh threw her beanie into her suitcase, and was about to put her music back in, when her roommate showed up. Eilidh was legitimately surprised to see it was the girl who had pushed past the queue earlier, and had also shocked her. She didn't seem to remember the encounter quite as much, though. The fox-eared girl actually seemed happy to see her. Eilidh stood there bemused as her new roomie fired off a barrage of questions without giving her time to answer any of them. She remembered all of them in order, however, and answered them in order once Emily was finished. She spoke with a notable yet thin Glaswegian accent. "Oh, hi! My name's Eilidh Chiron. I'm a centaur. I'm here to receive a good education. I used to be home-schooled, but I'm starting to get smarter than my parents now, so this school was the best option. I've never been beaten up in my life, and yes, my parents did send me. As for hobbies, I like to listen to music and read in my spare time. I tried learning guitar, but I don't really have the patience for it. And last but not least, I can digest grass with my horse stomach but don't, because I think that's gross. I do need to eat a lot of fruit and veg, though." She gasps and claps her hands once she's finished. "Those were a lot of questions! What about you? What's your story? Besides, of course, skipping queues and shocking people." To accentuate this, she points to the still visibly singed patch on her flank. But she doesn't look angry. She'd warmed a little to this quirky character.