[color=6ecff6]Melqart Orestes[/color] It has been a hard time to live in this decadent city of Phoria, who is forgetful of what it once made it the greatest city that has ever existed. The fear and control they put over Magick now is ridiculous and would be completely unthinkable on the past. This is something that needs to be changed as soon as possible. However, he lacked the influence or strength to make such a thing possible, which is exactly why he needed to gather those two, so he could be able to complete his objective. That was the reason now why he was now on the Staging Grounds waiting for some people to arrive. Previously, he had with the help of the Heroes Guild created a High Level Expedition to head for the frontiers in order to reclaim lost lands of the city and regain the lost treasures that were looted by monsters or lost through time. For the announcement of such a large scale quest, there were many criers around the city, alongside with posting on mission boards and Inns. It would be quite hard for someone not to notice any of those things. Hopefully his effort in organizing all of this would be repaid and a large amount of people would want to go on this expedition.