[h2]Dante Morg[/h2] Sector: 23 Dante had been tending to the cheap grill for just about long enough to make two mighty fine hotdogs. That's if mighty fine means a pretty mediocre meal then he'd take it. Jamming the stick through the first grilled American dream, he took a nice bite without any other cares. [color=2e3192]You know what? This isn't so bad.[/color] It was a good change of pace. Why not enjoy it? He gladly enjoyed his two hotdogs right next to the toasty little grill. Resting there wouldn't be the end of the world. A couple dozen psychopath cultists was nothing compared to the modest enjoyment of this time. It's kind of like when you have a cup of coffee and you just relax there savoring that cup whether you'd be at home or at a restaurant. Suddenly, a massive shock wave broke through the branches of the trees as if the Luftwaffe were making a bombing run on London with a vengeance. Luckily, it was mostly noise although the knocked over mostly burnt out silvery box that used to be a grill make a small fire on the forest grass. Dante ran to stomp out the fire fast and wondered what could have made such a massive crash. Now people would say curiosity killed the cat but so did Schrodinger. Curiosity also made discoveries that pushed forward the human race and created grand achievements. Also like Schrodinger. Dante still didn't know where he was and quite frankly didn't want to see another tentacle horror. If by some scarce chance some cultists started a low-budget space program it would spell doom for him. That was extremely unlikely, so he decided that finding out what happened wouldn't be too bad. The not so grand magician zipped up the small pack of weenies and put it back in his bag. Didn't want to lose those now. He grabbed his briefcase again with his bag to start heading toward the source of the quake. He arrived closer to the sight and saw that the city was much closer. He thought to himself that he might want to check that place out next. On approach he sees a large humanoid monster of some ungodly sort about one hundred meters away. It couldn't be the damn cult monsters it was impossible. Dante couldn't take it anymore. [color=2e3192]Are you kidding me? How did they find me? HOW!?[/color] (Now in Sector 10) [@Lmpkio]