00:32 UTC, 18th of December, 2016. | Seattle, Near Downtown Anastasia was walking out of the shelter when she saw people running and screaming down the streets. What in the world was going on now? She wondered to herself as she started to running with the crowd trying to ask people what was going on. No one at all would respond to her other then "JUST RUN!" or anything to that nature. She turned around to see if she could see what was chasing everyone. What she saw, scared her to her deep core of her body. "What the hell are they!" She screamed out as she saw the flying demons heading closer and closer. As she saw the demons she knew things were about to go to hell and a hand basket. She started running again trying to find a weapon she could use. She grabbed a lead pipe off the ground just in case those monsters got too close. She slowly started to feel more and more strange as she ran and it wasn't adrenaline. It was something more...powerful. She tried to shake off the feeling to try to find a safe place. She was too far from the shelter to go there. She hoped they were okay. She hoped no one would try to venture to her school. The kids wouldn't be able to survive alone against these monsters and she was to far away on foot to be able to make it there. She would have to try and find the police or even the military by now to seek safety.