[center][h1][color=6ecff6][i]Carlisle Corvus[/i][/color][/h1] [@SanaChan][@Jeyma][@Soragoku][/center] [color=0072bc]"You must come to terms with your past, Corvus. You're becoming weak because of it, you mustn't let it get the best of you. You have to be strong if you are to continue out your duties of defending Terra, weakness cannot hold you back. Do you understand?"[/color] A low sigh winded from Crow's chest as his brother scolded him. Of course he knew this, many a time he had come before Raziel for forgiveness and guidance, many a time the torment had led him to a bottle. How could it not? He knew what he did was for the greater good, that without the Nephilim providing protection and the rule of law to the Neutrals, the walls of civilization and order would crumble about their ears. It had been so long since the last great war and yet another war still waged, this one was just quieter. That is what he could not stand, in those days the Neutrals praised the Nephilim war banners as his brothers and sisters marched side by side, heads held high. When they had an enemy that would show itself and allies they could count on. When the war was just and clear. A time, as he had seen in the depictions created by the mages, where Raziel himself stood upon the battlefield. He remembered the vision still, the Nephilim battle formations marching to meet the dark hordes of Revenant. The sound of the war horns calling and Raziel, in all his glory, appearing in a blast of light and thunder. His impact shook the earth to the very core, his armour shining like the sun on earth and those eyes.. The eyes that burnt the darkness from within a soul with a glance and bolstered the fortitude of his brothers and sisters so much so that their eyes reflected his righteous purpose. By the light how Crow wished to stand with them, even to see Raziel who was now more a father figure that his biological Humani father but Raziel hadn't been seen walking the earth for hundreds of years. Carlisle was pulled out of his reminiscence as the arch-mage offered a hand to steady himself, [color=0072bc]"You will ensure that girl is safe from the Fleshspinner. Who knows what should come of her if she spends too much time with it. If you believe she has a connection to the Revenant, I have no doubts she could be persuaded to join them, or become a Fleshspinner herself. She's well known in Wellborough, I can't have more neutrals blaming the Nephilim for something happening to their people."[/color] Before being able to reply, thinking to argue that resources were spread thin enough (not to mention a bar tab to get back to), to be able to chase after young farmhands and abnormalities when the Centaur rode up in a distinctively military style. Crow had noticed her outburst when he let the creature go, close as one could get to an ally in these days. [color=Red]"I am Sutagara, a warrior from the tribe of Windleaf. I will be straight to the point: I need to be led to the Institute. I need to see it's library."[/color] Once again, as Crow opened his mouth to reply but before any words could come out two more traveling companions sidled on into view. By the light anyone would think the Nephilim were suddenly popular. Each of them begged or commanded passage to the institute, with one of the duo going to so far as to state that they would follow them inevitably whether Crow agreed or not. He held his hands up in a settling manner, glancing between the newly formed group. [color=6ecff6]"Hold up hold up, You people do realize the Institute isn't some public library that people get to waltz right into because they're interested right?"[/color] A hand came up to massage the bridge of his nose as he tried to figure out the situation, his other flicking in a motion at Daewyn, [color=6ecff6]"And as much as I find your blatantness amusing, I could arch out of here and there'd be nothing to follow so just settle your fine little self and find a way to reel in that tongue for a moment"[/color]. He paused long enough to give the Centaur a respectful bow of his head, she at least was ready to stand by him and deserved as much. His eyes flicked to the arch-mage for assistance, as he didn't have time to baby-sit and hunt a child nor would he want to. He certainly wasn't used to dealing with this many people in conversation that's for sure. [color=6ecff6]"I'm Carlisle Corvus, feel free to call me Crow.. and you are?"[/color] the last he directed at the elf duo. Something told him he wouldn't be going back to the bar for some time.