[quote=PlatinumSkink] Alright. Another question, then.I've seen mentions of you "rolling the stats" of the characters. Does that mean that I should just lean back and wait for you to create one of those sheets of characters the rest of them have on the front page? Or should I do something?[/quote] Nope, I've got it taken care of. To create diversity among purchased units of the same class, I roll level zero to level one level up. It produces similar but slightly different starting stats for each unit, just like how two characters of the same class in normal FE games start with different stats. [quote=PlatinumSkink] Edit: Wait, hold on. They all start with E proficiency, and... Iron weapons need D? ... What is this foolishness... They can't wield Iron equipment...? That... got to be a first... Guess I'll need to rewrite some, or my normal units won't have any weapons...[/quote] Bronze-tier weaponry (and magic equivalents) are just as well-balanced in might, hit and weight as their Iron, Steel and Silver alternates. Having Bronze weaponry makes sure people aren't getting 2-hit KO'd all the time in early early game. [quote=PlatinumSkink] Edit 2: Seeing how my normal units by some reason cannot wield the most normal weapon in Fire Emblem history and have to resort to the younger adopted brother that is even worse and I would never hand to anyone in good faith, I have edited my above units. Yukiha, Naiyo and Yasuno now wields bronze weapons (gnfk. You know, bronze is hard to forge. Bronze weapons would be a lot more expensive than iron ones...), Takaho's vulnerary has been removed and Ayuna has been bought a Crossbow to ensure someone actually can do some damage against... things. Also, the mage's second reclass has been changed from Archer to Wyvern with the extra gold, because I don't think I'd ever want an additional archer. Not that I'm ever intending to reclass. And that's that.[/quote] Changes noted. [quote=PlatinumSkink] Edit 4: Excuse me. Um. It looks here like a normal Engagement will give only 1 Exp. Isn't that for when the character did no damage or was struck with no chance of attacking back? Don't you get, like, 10+ or something if you managed to do damage, less if you're a developed unit doing damage to a lesser unit and slightly more the more damage you do but at least 10? Or something? It kind of feels a bit weak if I weaken a unit with all my other units and they only get 1 exp each... Not to mention that isn't how it works in the games... I'm just wondering. [/quote] All the different actions that award Exp stack on eachother. Killing someone will give you the Kill exp and the Engage exp, which at base is 31 total Exp. As your unit is more seasoned and the opponent is less seasoned, you'll notice that internal and total levels play in to diminish the returns of the exp awards, just like in FE games. Additionally in FE13 (which is what I tried to base the exp gain on), you earn 1exp from a "both sides survived" scenario regardless of classes/levels.