[hider=Ender Kazetani][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/hOhwy4W.png?1[/img] [i][color=#007BA7]"The inner workings of the human heart is much like the flow of electricity. Given energy, its vibrancy cannot even be challenged by the brightest star. But deprive it of that spurring source, and it ceases to exist."[/color][/i] And in this corner, we have the meek yet equally cuddly youth known as Ender Kazetani. And yes, to answer your question, the hair's color is all natural. Boy, did quite a few question marks pop up above his father's head when he saw blue tufts of hair sprouting from that little adorable infantile scalp of his. Now fast forward fourteen years and we are faced with the culmination of his father's efforts and society's education. And, welp, that doesn't exactly amount to much... but who cares! Despite his short stature, the boy walks with full faith in his resolve and lets nothing deter him. His eyes share an almost identical hue with his hair, both of which are unique aspects. Rumor has it that 0's and 1's run vertically down his eyes, but that's probably just people blowing things out of proportion. He's not heavily built, but as a tinkerer, he can put in some elbow grease. Stands at 5'6" and weighs 118 lbs. One eye-catcher is that he always, always, [b]always[/b] has his headphones on his person. [i]Even[/i] in the shower. Don't ask. Under close inspection, one can see that his fingers are ridden with scars from countless hours at the workbench.[/center] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/JVJ5zRt.jpg[/img][/center] [color=#007BA7][b]Name:[/b][/color] Ender Kazetani [color=#007BA7][b]Age/Height:[/b][/color] [s]smol[/s] Fourteen|5'6" [color=#007BA7][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/spgtQnH.jpg[/img][/center] [color=#007BA7][b]Personality:[/b][/color] With his heart in the present and on a one-way course deadset for the future, Ender takes on the obstructions lying in his path with determination. Denoted by his childish and ebullient personality, upon first meeting people find it hard to believe that he's at the technological vanguard of his generation. Only thing more awe-inspiring is his ability to actually get stuff accomplished due to all of the manga and anime the kid watches. He continually defies fate to no avail and develops a multitude of armaments or ordinary contraptions in his free time, albeit a good portion of them don't always work as mentally envisioned. He has the tendency to weave in manga colloquialism with realistic situations. Steadfast is a word usually attributed to Ender. Although he comes off as carefree, when the plot suddenly thickens and takes a twist, he dons a more serious demeanor. In fact, he keeps within a side of him that heavily contrasts with his usual temperament, but those who catch a glimpse of it seem to forget quite quickly. He holds true to his beliefs and doesn't hesitate to act upon them in a curt and acute fashion. But when it comes to academics, quick wit is where the road pretty much ends... at the edge of a cliff. Ender is nowhere as attentive with his studies as some of his friends, and tends to tinker with projects on his desk rather than listen to a lecture. Since he is constantly connected to electronics, he finds it borderline impossible to do the latter. A defining quirk of Ender's is the manner in which he speaks. He tends to use technological lingo, such as rather than stating that he's tired, he prefers to say "My battery charge is almost out." A couple other fancied phrases are "Ender.exe has stopped working," or "My hard drive has cra- heheheheh that's what he said," and other stuff of the sort. [color=#007BA7][b]Backstory:[/b][/color] The world's a pretty crappy place, eh? Well, for argument's sake, it beats living in the vacuum of space... But it's still a challenge to not look upon the great expanses of city streets, infrastructure, transportation, and the people propagating all of the above with animosity. Yet this is not the case with Ender. It is true that he is one of the many who have been treated indifferently, the loss of a life close to him failed in forcing him to deviate from his sanguine outlook. As a man bound by his job and now also a widower, his father found it hard to be an electrical engineer and a father at the same time. So why not coalesce the two tasks into the same agenda? Brilliant. And that's not sarcasm, it actually was a strike of intelligence. This was the awakening spark, no pun intended. It soon became evident that the boy had a knack for the field, but even more disconcerting, he was not hindered by the absence of a maternal figure in his household. Ender's father held true to the olden ways and techniques of his line of work. Quirkless, he had to find a way to compete with opposing companies vying for profit. Even after it became evident that his son beared a quirk that would indefinitely give him an edge, he did not exploit this revelation. Nor did he force his son onto the job. Ender willingly volunteered to be his father's shadow no matter what task he had taken on, and in turn, the man taught him how to troubleshoot his way through issues without using his Quirk as a crutch. The two were inseparable, with the younger almost as efficient at the profession than the former. But what if Mr. Kazetani and his innocent son were apart during a hectic event? Ender distinguished himself when a power plant was on the verge of going over the point of no return after a brief earthquake. With his quirk, he helped the on-site team remedy the discord within the plant's systems long before TEPCO and local organizations could arrive. Had it been left up to these groups, they would have surely not made it in time. [hr] [color=#007BA7][b]Hero Name:[/b][/color] Voltaic [color=#007BA7][b]Quirk:[/b][/color] Galvanic Connection [color=#007BA7][b]Classification: Emitter with Mutant properties:[/b][/color] A quirk that stands out from the rest and is, well, quirky. Ender was born with the capacity to "hear" electronics, more specifically the current of power flow and their inner workings, and discern their specific location among the technological mass society has been engulfed by. Additionally, once an entity is discerned, he can manipulate electrical currents and forcibly move the solid objects they are coursing through. But there are a handful of contingencies and shortcomings to the ability, one being that it lacks an "off" feature. In layman's terms, anything around the boy utilizing any energy is constantly blaring at him. Silence is a delicacy he has never been offered the basic human right to indulge in. Another drawback is that he needs time, albeit not a lot, to concentrate and pinpoint whatever he is attempting to isolate. He can only exert a certain extent of control upon isolated locus, such as turning off lights or other medial tasks of the sort. Now onto his ability to preside over the flow of power through them, and their kinetic movement depending on what they're connected or built into. Wanna turn the light off before heading to be, no need for confrontation on the physical plane! If his remote control is outside of arm's reach, no need to exert any energy to reach for it. The possibilities are endless, yet as expected due to his age, there is a nerf written in bold ink. Moving around electronics drains him of his energy conversely with the size and intricacy of the particular he's trying to control. The most he's tried to do is wiping out a city block, but he was only able to halt the flow of electricity for a few moments before succumbing to fatigue. [hider=Clockwork Cannon]The [i]crème de la crème[/i] of Ender's contraptions that consistently work. Although bludgeoning evil-doers with traffic lights and other provisional items is a plausible strategy, the boy went the extra mile and crafted something that was forged with his own sweat, blood, and love for moe waifus. The Clockwork Cannon. Roughly seven feet in length, two feet wide and two feet tall,if it wasn't for the lightweight metal it was composed on, the aspiring hero would easily be crushed in an attempt to haul it. In addition to its metallic exterior are multiple lines of silver that serve as accentuation, and rows of four gears with a clock in the middle on the twelve, three, six and nine o'clock positions. The analog clocks are contained in a bronze-hued housing, the same color as the gears on both of their sides. The cannon itself fires specialized ammunition that Ender painstakingly crafts himself. Rather than relying on gunpowder to fire the rounded balls of lightweight metal similar to that of the Cannon, the weapon actually uses the concentrated released of electricity in addition to Ender's quirk to propel them. Nice thing is, the projectiles still maintain their charge to give their targets an electrifying meeting. The weapon also suffices for a melee role. Its muzzle can collapse on itself, forming a triangular end that can be used for offensive combat.[/hider] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/xAm8U0z.jpg[/img] [color=#007BA7][b]And all the rest:[/b][/color] [h3][color=#007BA7]"Lolis, tsunderes, kuuderes, childhood friends. You name them, I've conquered them! In the 2D world... -cries in a corner-"[/color][/h3][/center] [color=#007BA7][b]Talents/Hobbies:[/b][/color] [list][*][s]Otaku Trash[/s] - ...Needless to say he loves his waifus. [*]Technological Affinity - Not even a Samsung phone, a device more Korean than Girls' Generation eating kimchi next to a portrait of Kim Il Sung, than be pitted against this kid when it comes to electronics. Ender is an active- no, a [i]devout[/i] gamer. He has conquered many a waifu throughout his numerous campaigns. He may or may not have not already constructed a master case with a built-in PC and PS4 specifically designated for traveling.[/list] [color=#007BA7][b]Themes:[/b][/color] [hider=Hibikase][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4XnanOikTA[/youtube][/hider] [hider=Only My Railgun (Luka)][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxuq7LYbBpQ[/youtube] [url=http://www.animelyrics.com/jpop/fripside/railgun.htm]Lyrics[/url][/hider] [/hider]