[color=lightpink][h1][b][center]Sadie Hill[/center][/b][/h1][/color][hr][center][hider=Sadie Hill][img]http://i347.photobucket.com/albums/p479/sakukage/mypokemontrainer.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [center]Interacting With : [@ZachChase], [@1Charak2], [@Alder], [@Lord Szall] GM : [@floodtalon][/center][center]Location : Route 9[/center][hr] Sadie was happy everyone was getting along. She was decided to start setting up her tent while her Pokemon finished her meal. That was when two older teenagers walked up to the small group being rude and slightly threatening. The two claimed they had been camping in this specific spot for the past two days. Sadie didn't want to get into an argument, but she couldn't help but notice the lack of camping equipment around other than the belongings of the group of four. Leo was the first to respond. He was much more 'rough' about the situation then Sadie would've been. Then when he challenged the two to a Pokemon battle Sadie got a little nervous. Sadie was fine with Pokemon battles but not this way. Then another boy showed up and asked to join in on the battle. Sadie wasn't sure of what to do. She didn't want things to escalate to quickly, but she knew she had to help in some way. [color=lightpink]"If needed I can help to."[/color]