The winding path further down the mountain, away from the buildings he had woken up in wasn't particularly pleasant. a mixture of panic from his command to run away as fast as possible, and the possibility of being caught and having his only way home taken away made Lalna take no care while skidding and slipping down the dry incline. tripping on small stones and dried plants on more then one occasion, he paid no mind to the violet lights that passed barely noticed through his peripheral vision, although he thought he saw a few silhouettes at one point, which made him more worried. Time went on and the noises of the ambiance mixed with his heavy footsteps faded, giving the stage to a much slower pacing, as Lalna found himself surrounded by vegetation, breathing in the cold air from the forest around him. the way down continued, but in a much harder pace to keep as the woods and roots made the path a lot rougher, no longer could he hear the noises from the outpost, and the only light that gave him direction was the pale moonlight.. Oddly enough, this was familiar. He had spent nights wandering mysterious woods before, the moonlight and fresh air had always made for a relaxing time.. well, besides all the bugs.. but the atmosphere was worth some bother, for places like these have always echoed the works of Kall to great effect. the wind howled in unison to the nightly harmony of prowling predators and buzzing bugs, all held together by the soft rustling of leaves and vegetation. Alongside this melody, the greens, browns and other colors that composed the surrounding blended with the shadows and created a beautiful painting It was distracting, Lalna's pace slowed and his attention drifted from here to there, as different things caught his eye. the ocasional interesting plant, or an odd color standing out in the shadows. there were critters everywhere, he quickly turned at one point, a flapping noise, like a bat perhaps came from behind him, yet he couldn't pin point the source, chittering was heard from above. and at an unfortunate moment Lalna almost fell on his back as the sudden hiss of a rat near him caught him off guard. The surrounding trees eventually made way for a small creek that twisted it's way onward, further down the path, deeper into these woods. as he made his way down, following the edges of the water. he felt an odd tingling in the back of his neck, and a shiver crept it's way down his spine for he felt watched.. it unnerved him. As the mountain made way to flatter grounds, the creek split, and he examined both sides. although his initial urge was to examine the magnificent display of flashing lights , a faint hymn caught his attention as he took a few steps to investigate this side, and the familiar hymn sparked a feeling of hope within him that surpassed any logical hesitations, and Lalna made for the hymn, eventually finding his way to what seemed like candlelight