[@Metronome] From the CS format: [quote]Other: Any additional information you want to add? Remember, do not reveal to much about your personality or backstory.[/quote] The level of detail you put in is excellent, but you've revealed a little bit too much to start off, I'd recommend taking that section out and saving it elsewhere to refer back to, the idea is to let the character's personality and backstory come out through the course of the story. As for your weapons, I can definitely help out with that, just shoot me a PM with some basic ideas of what you want him to use! [@rush99999] I don't see a problem with it, as long as they have a physical form to take part in missions, looking forward to seeing what you come up with! [@mackielars] Yes of course! [@Rultaos] You can definitely leave everything as is! Personality and all that stuff will come out in the rp itself, so no need to reveal it here! Great to have ya aboard [@Banana] If that's what ya wanna do, go right ahead! Just make up a short description of the alien race they'd be a part of!