[@Yidhra] [center][h1][color=39b54a]Luigi Vile[/color][/h1][/center] Luigi was a member of a small group, acolytes of the inquisition, a group that sought out threats to humanity, and destroyed them.... The group consisted of 3 people; Luigi, a knight named Sir Fredrick, and a psyker named Magnus the Lame (( not to be confused with Magnus the Red, who is in this story as well)), who in quite a pickle. While on the search for a cultist who was planning to destroy a highly populated world. A world known as Necromunda, a planet renowned for their lazguns and their weapon producing capability. They had ended up in between a hoard of flesh craving zombies, and a group of Dark Eldar, aliens that tortured and killed others for sadistic pleasure. The fight had started well enough, Luigi and Magnus were in critical condition already, and Fredrick was also quite badly wounded. They had managed to kill one of the Dark Eldar, three more remained. Fredrick and Magnus retreated, noting how their situation was fairly hopeless. However, Luigi stayed behind to cover their retreat, despite their protest. He knew that in their state, the Eldar would be able to walk faster than they could run. However, the fiends couldn't resist the chance to inflict pain. Two of them turned their attention to the cultist the group had been tracking, and one went after Luigi to kill him. However, in the ensuing melee that broke out, Luigi split his stomach open with his chain sword, before carving their skull open with his next strike, killing the monster. Seeing the other Eldar he charged, killing the Eldar with a strike to the side, tearing their arm off, and into their chest, the shock of the wound sending them into a state of twitching and gurgling. "Sisters, join us, these fools prove more trouble then we thought!" The final Dark Eldar screams, before Luigi reached into his pocket, and revealed a strange looking grenade. Clicking it, and tossing it into the portal, he smirked, for it was a haywire grenade, an explosive made to disrupt machinery. With a flash, the portal exploded, a huge green light filling the room.... [@MasterKeun] [@RolePlayerRoxas] [@MacDuffy] District 1 Appearing upon a cobble street, Luigi's head was swimming in a sea of throbbing pain and confusion. Standing up, his blood dripping upon the stone, he looked around to where he now was. Was this a feudal world? It looked as such, the primitive buildings and roads showing a lack of advanced technology. However, there was one last bit of advanced tech lingering about. The Eldar was there, his gun having broken, and the bayoneted half stuck in the Eldar's right leg, a twist of fate to make Tzeentch snicker with glee. Luigi sees the creature, pitiful in its state of being crippled, but he felt not pity. Only anger, and disgust, for the Dark Eldar were disgusting creatures. Walking over to the Eldar, Luigi revved his chain sword, a sound that could be heard for about a hundred meters. With a scream of anger, Luigi drives his blade down, the Eldar holding up a hand to stop the blow. Luigi's chain sword dug down the Eldar's arm, before he tears it down though the arm, splitting the alien's forearm in two, and his head in two as well, the Eldar letting out a blood curdling scream that devolved into a death gurgle. Luigi's roaring chain sword soon grows silent, before he collapses against the side of the nearest building, blood seeping from his wounds. He rests for the moment, feeling the gentle cold grip of death trying to take hold, but his will prevents him from passing. Not yet, not now, his duty was not yet done. He was no doubt either in the warp, or in some place where the portal had thrown them. This place would either need to be purged, or saved, from the grave evils that lingered.