[@Cat] Talon stood atop Delikeesh as he focused in on a new presence. It wasn't that of a vampire but something possibly more sinister. A demon that approached but didn't seem to be aggressive. He was farthest out from the group and closet to her as he faded out of reality once again and reappeared behind the demon. "Look at this one," He said alerting the demon to his presence. He was smart enough to keep just out of her range of attack, "What are you doing here?" Talon was practically a shadow as he hovered around the ground behind her. He knew that poking fun of a vampire was one thing, but a demon could be the end of his very life. He could practically taste the blood of the Demon as she made herself bleed. "How much for a vial of your blood," Talon asked almost toying with the creature. She didn't seem hostile or else they would have known of her presence long before the vampires attacked. She did also ask if everyone was alright. Who knows what her true intentions were. [@Zi][@DeadlyPhoenix][@Shmektheshmuck][@RenaKin90]