[@Shmektheshmuck][@Zi][@Cat][@Smiter19][@DeadlyPhoenix] [indent]Rena couldn't help, but feel bad as she watched Saedd limp. She opened her mouth to tell him to get on the horse instead, but once he said he didn't want her to get hurt again; he wouldn't do it. Once they drew closer to the house and the horse came to a stop, she jumped down before he had a chance to assist her. She stood in front of him, barely coming to his shoulders ((yes, she's that tiny lol)) and looked at his arms. "You should lie down and let Talon tend to your wounds," she spoke softer than she had before. She wasn't used to others being protective of her, it was a nice change. Kai rolled his shoulders, and nodded to the elf girl. He casually leaned in the doorway, but allowed enough room for the others to enter. "Obviously, you're skeptical. I don't expect otherwise of you," he remarked in a calm down. "I mean no harm, however. I don't act like those other goliaths." His remark was towards the brutious vampires they had run into before. "Senseless acts of violence and death bore me. You may trust me or not, it is your will. I will not force you to do so." His piercing red eyes looked at her, casually examining her face.[/indent]