"Looks like this is your swansong, Cygnus! Sagittarius: Nova!" Akira took aim at the swan-like monster she'd been fighting, her bow beginning to hum with energy. The bird-man took flight in a panic. "Draw," a deep, masculine voice called from the Celestial Compass. She pulled back on her bowstring, following the instruction. The bird-man began to climb. "Breathe," the voice instructed. The energy took form, a glowing arrow appeared, knocked onto the bowstring. The creature ceased its ascent, now diving at high speed towards Celestial. It had heard this attack needed time to charge, if it took her out before she could fire it, everything would be fine. The distance between them dwindled rapidly as it raced across the quarry, 100 metres...90...70...40...10 metres... "Release." The bolt of energy shot out at the monster, engulfing it in a massive explosion as it impacted. Akira was used to these being further away, and the point-blank blast threw her back onto the cold stone behind and momentarily blinded her. [hr] When her vision cleared, the red armoured heroine was...well, to say she was confused would be an understatement. How did she go from that quarry to some strange city? Was this some kind of illusion? Impossible, the Starbeast was dead and none of the Zodiac Council had been around. In that case, why did the architecture and people seem like they were from some other time? She paused for a moment, about to dismiss her suit. However, she reasoned that she would stand out like a sore thumb either way, and at least staying transformed might help if an unexpected conflict arose. With that out of the way, she set off, in search of...well, she wasn't entirely sure what. Portals? Ominous sorcerers? Anything else that looked like it could be helpful? Soon enough, she spotted what she was looking for in a side alley, kind of. The group seemed to check one and a half boxes, at least. Both the woman with the futuristic gear and cold weather outfit and the pink-haired schoolgirl seemed about as out of place as she did and, while not as ominous as she'd expected, the last of the trio seemed to be some kind of wizard. Maybe they had a better idea about what happened? "Hey!" She called, jogging towards them. "You're not from around here either, right?" [@RolePlayerRoxas] [@Rin] [@VitaVitaAR]