He walked slowly through he wind, each step painful, though, he knew he would be dead in under three days. Rena looked at Saedd but he didn't look back, it was because of her that he was now dying, though, he did not care, it was in his best interest that he dies for his life had been changed ever since he set foot outside his village three years ago. The group approached a hut belonging to vakim, a chimney rose above and smoke flowed from the top, it was then that Saedd noticed both the male vampire and the demon from before. [color=f7976a]"RENA GET BACK..."[/color] Saedd drew his sword but fell to his knees and coughed up blood, he pointed his sword at the vampire, [color=f7976a]"I won't let you have her... after,everything I went through..."[/color]