[@Brithwyr] Caora is accepted. Post that trap Nao! [quote=@ThatCharacter] Is there still room for another character? I'd be down to write something up, if possible, this is so exciting! [/quote] Yea, we're still open for business. [quote=@Ariamis] [@ThatCharacter] There's currently 14 characters, and an ideal DR game has 16, so I'm pretty sure there's room. [/quote] With the elevator system in place, we'll most likely go above that number. Having said that, I will probably close registration temporarily after I accept the 16th character (I will still accept characters from people I have personally invited, however) It will open again after the prelude chapter and the core cast are a bit more accustom to their surroundings. There's gunna be some mad havoc with 16 characters, haha! [quote=@Pudding] [@Brithwyr] Well he likes sweet things, so they're in Kara's good books. [/quote] Monokuma file #1 Victim: Caora Uan Artzain Cause of Death: No visible injuries. There's a half digested cyanide tablet in his stomach.