[quote=@Pudding] [@BrokenPromise] Pah-lease! If anything she would kill everyone at once. Cookies are very appealing, you can put all kinds of things in them. That way, everyone can get a taste of something they like.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [/quote] That obviously wouldn't fly with the standard "don't kill more than 2 people" rule. But in a killing game where new people can be dropped into the area, is it really wise to kill everyone? [b]Infinite Bubble Blower:[/b] Guys! we need to hurry, there's so much evidence to collect and so little time... [b]Infinite Clairvoyant:[/b] THERE'S ONLY ONE PERSON ALIVE AND SHE'S RIGHT THERE! [b]Infinite Bubble Blower:[/b] Is she a witness? she's offering me cake! [quote=@Brithwyr] http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/999/583/941.jpg [/quote] Where's the cringe button? Haha!