[h3][center][color=2e3192]Averstin Siblings[/color][/center][/h3] Perhaps at a certain point of his earlier life, Mike would have appreciated the positive attention he was getting from his sister. She had certainly been calling more frequently and then she even visited him every now and then to check into his health. But now, he just found it odd. He appreciates the sentiment but she was trying too hard in winning back his favor when she honestly hasn't lost it in the first place, but no matter how many times he told her that, she just wouldn't back off. [i]"The deadline's on Saturday for your new book's manuscript alright?"[/i] A woman's voice came through the loudspeaker of the phone that was placed on Mike's desk. The black haired male was on his chair, typing away at his laptop as he listened to his producer speak through the phone. [color=0072bc]"Saturday, got it."[/color] Mike replied nonchalantly as he shoved his hand into a box of Pocky and began eating the stick before letting his hands fly through the keyboard once more, inputting words that would soon create a sentence that would soon be a paragraph that would soon be a chapter and then a whole book. His eyes were practically glued to the screen. [i]"Don't forget that you also have a book signing event for your previous book on Monday."[/i] The woman continued and Mike only let out a small grunt of reply. He would have snapped at her to say that he remembered everything she was talking about. He would never forget something as important as those dates. After all, if he missed one of those, then that might be more than a small bump in his career as a writer. And perhaps it might lead to his eventual retirement and he wouldn't make as much money and then he'd be kicked out and he'll die of hunger and thirst on the streets with nowhere to call home and no one to call family. His usual pessimistic thinking was snapped when there was a knock on his door. Mike already knew who it was though. It was too easy to guess. [color=0072bc]"Gotta go Lim. I'll see you some other time."[/color] There was a small hum of farewell before Mike hung up the phone. He sighed and then spun his swivel chair to face the door. [color=0072bc]"Come in Louis."[/color] He called out. The door opened to reveal Louis. Her hair was let loose, unlike how it is usually seen when she was at work when it was tied in a ponytail. [color=92278f]"Morning Mike."[/color] Mike frowned. [color=0072bc]"Morning."[/color] He looked at the digital wall clock that clearly showed the numbers 7:21 a.m. He groaned and then leaned back on his chair. [color=92278f]"Did you pull an unwilling all-nighter again?"[/color] Mike looked back at her blankly and then gave her a small nod. She shook her head and then added a chuckle after. [color=92278f]"I would suppose that is the life of an imaginative person such as yourself."[/color] The words that spilled out of her mouth shocked both Mike and probably the audience. The last time it was showed, she didn't exactly give Mike any compliments since they were kids. So why now? However, Mike surely would have recovered faster than the audience. [color=0072bc]"Yeah, sure."[/color] He replied before giving her a dismissive wave, obviously not very amused at her attempt to flatter him. But his expression also showed that he wasn't exactly angered by it either. He then waited for her to speak once more. [color=92278f]"Just came here to check in as always. And to remind you of the reunion thing in Edenridge High."[/color] Louis continued as she leaned on the doorframe. She never did liked going into his room. It made her think that she's stepping over her boundaries. While they were siblings, their previous relationship was quite... wasn't quite right. [color=0072bc]"Ah... right."[/color] Mike said with a nod. It was about that anniversary for the shooting. His hand instinctively went to his chest, centimeters to the right of his heart. It was also the place where he was shot at that day. It wasn't a very good memory and it stayed in his mind - the most vivid memory he had. His hand was desperately trying to keep the blood that was spilling out of the bullet hole, covering it up in hopes that it would stop the bleeding. It was futile. His breath became ragged and his vision had started to blur. The last thing he actually saw was the killer before he blacked out. Everyone said that it was a miracle that he was alive. He was a hair's breadth away from passing onto the afterlife. Louis frowned as she saw her brother stare at her, no, [i]past[/i] her. [color=92278f]"Mike... if you don't want to go, it's fine you know."[/color] She said. While she would be attending herself, she can't make her brother go through those memories again for some get together. He was haunted by that memory and this was making it surface once more. However, Mike shook his head. [color=0072bc]"I'll go."[/color] [hr] [h3][center][color=0076a3]Westerian Siblings[/color][/center][/h3] "Cut!" The director's voice rang through the air and then Ashley and Vincent looked at each other and the former gave the latter a wide grin. Vincent stood up from his seat and then, with Ashley, headed over to the director. The scene they were set in was different from the others who were at the school so they were in a pretty secluded area, up in an apartment that was under the ownership of a small-time dealer who was a big fan of Edenridge. "Vincent, I'm surprised you still have some skills under your belt since you dropped acting entirely." [color=0072bc]"I aim to impress. It's also pretty hard to forget those lessons drilled into my teenage brain from the first shooting."[/color] Vincent and the director laughed about it. "And as for you Ashley, good job as always." Ashley gave him a bright smile. [color=92278f]"If you need us, we'll be roaming around."[/color] She told the director before she and Vincent continued on to another part of the area. Ashley hummed as the twins walked down the street. They often pointed and talked about the previous locations of their scenes. It was such a nostalgic experience. This was the highlight of their teenage years. They had been actors that starred in such a big thing. It was quite amazing, to step on foot in this place again. The feeling was doubled for Vincent who had left the film industry completely in favor of learning medicine. He hadn't acted in a while and he hadn't exactly been thinking about it too. He was glad Ashley decided to drag him along in this revival. It sparked that sense of happiness within him. He spotted familiar faces, and while he didn't talk to them much after the shooting of the show, he did enjoy spending time with them. Ah those were the days.