[center][h3][color=silver]Ryoshi Hanamaru[/color][/h3] Interacting with: Ivo Ebonvuk ([@AimeChambers])[/center] Ryoshi watched as the young werewolf's hood slipped and then him trying to desperately trying to hide both features with his hands, but it was all done in vain as he couldn't do it. The older male was watching with slight amusement, but it didn't show in his facial features as he kept a professional mask plastered on his face. He silently waited to hear the young werewolf's reply to his inquiry. He can't leave now since he had interacted with the student. He caught Eryn's movement from the corner of his eyes, seeing the head counselor look at the young werewolf just as he had approached. Maybe he should have left it up to Eryn. He was better with kids than Ryoshi will ever be, thanks to Eryn actually having background in helping students while he had the amazing background of fighting monsters that would surely not help students at all. But it was part of the deal with Amelia. He was a teacher so he needed to be prepared for this kind of stuff. But that fact doesn't exactly help him at all. It was then that the young werewolf started to speak and what came out certainly put Ryoshi in quite a shock, but only for a moment. So this werewolf was proud of his lineage, but not proud that he couldn't control his transformation. Ryoshi took another look at the young male. Yes, there was at tail which he was holding with his hands, two ears, fangs, vertical eyes, ah, so this is the quarter form of a werewolf. Yes, he has seen some that walk like this in his years at the school but none of them were embarrassed about it, unlike this one right here. [color=silver]"So you are saying that a young werewolf such as you shouldn't even take the form of a wolf? Or a quarter wolf?"[/color] Ryoshi asked as he placed his hands behind his back. [color=silver]"Do know that in this school, we will help you control and restrain your powers. In here, you will not be teased, discriminated, or prejudiced against your lack of control over your powers."[/color] This was a line that he had said over and over again to other students who had little control over their powers. Though he truly did mean all of these words. They were not meaningless and his tone should broadcast that loud and clear.