[@Shmektheshmuck] [indent]When Saedd fell, Rena knelt beside him. "You need to let Talon take care of your wounds," she said and then glanced at the vampire who approached the entrance. she felt her heart racing, as he was letting himself die to protect her and they had already just met. "Please? I don't wish for anything to happen to you." She was speaking to him as he shakingly held the sword towards the vampire who at this point took a couple steps back. Kai removed his hands from his sides and raised them. "I mean nothing," he stated flatly. "If I wanted the girl, I could have taken her. You're in no condition to fight me. I only came to make sure the other Elf was okay," he nodded towards Artemis [@DeadlyPhoenix]. "I will be on my way," he said as his black hair fell over his red eyes. He casually turned on his heels and left the cabin, disappearing around the corner.[/indent]