[hr][hr] [center][color=Plum][h1]Zoé Flores[/h1] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/c3d273935ad7559ae17bf5d01c79adf9/tumblr_nw4gbdnC8x1rveho9o1_500.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Sky Lakes Medical Center. [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Quinton Matson ([@Caits]), Linus Teague-Winslet ([@Oliver]), Xerxes Arvanitis ([@YoshiSkittlez]), Myra Flores ([@Vicier]), and Melissa McCall.[/sup][/color][/center] [hr][hr] The roar of the engine… so familiar, ripped out through the normally peaceful air as it sped down the street, growing louder… more prominent with each and every moment that passed, and bringing her ever closer to her destination- the hospital. The very thought of what had happened; of the teenagers that had been targeted by that monster she now had to deal with… of the situation he had forced on her and those kids… The mere thought had a frustrated growl ripping out from somewhere underneath her helmet. Gripping hold of the handlebars, Zoé sped up, her chest pressing closer against the body of the bike as the tires seemed to almost fly over the tar that made up the road beneath her, the sheer speed causing loose bits of gravel to crunch underneath the weight of the tires as she continued to follow the route leading her to Sky Lakes. She’d had a feeling… the increase in the supernatural community had come quickly; too quickly in fact, especially in the last few years. It was making it harder to keep the humans from finding out about them… it also made it harder to keep those who meant harm to her home, and to those she loved, in check. A single hand slipped from the handlebar, her palm pressing lightly against her side where the pain of her recently updated tattoo was all but gone- the names of those in her pack; no, the names of her family… James Burke, Sombra Burke… and as of just a few days ago, Quinton and Abigale Matson. It had hurt like a bitch- the needles, stabbing at her skin over and over again, pushing the ink into her body where it would forever stay..? That she could handle… but she was a wolf. She healed. Tattoo’s were something that were a bit more complicated when the body deemed them to be an injury. No… that was what the blowtorch was for. The pain was unimaginable; worse than anything she had ever felt before in her life, and she was more than sure that [url=https://em.wattpad.com/8f1cbbeda31811b9f8bed0f473946f764c1b34e2/687474703a2f2f33332e6d656469612e74756d626c722e636f6d2f62663034623365663564373233393835326465633166656463396637623061362f74756d626c725f6e6565793673757646683175327164766f6f355f3530302e676966?s=fit&h=360&w=360&q=80]Derek[/url] had enjoyed ‘helping’ her way more than he actually should have… damn that Hale… there were times when he was almost as bad as his uncle. Slowing down her speed as she came into the bend leading to the parking lot of the hospital, she took to the turn, her body lifting up slightly and for only a moment before she drew ever closer into it, her free hand returning back to the handles, and her grip readjusting and tightening before she twisted the throttle, not only revving the engine, but also forcing more gas into the cylinders causing for it to pick up speed once more as she rushed towards the end closest to the emergency ward. She could practically taste it now… the blood; the animosity… the fear… it was all hung in the air, thick enough to cut through with a damn knife, and seeming to have no end in sight. Catching sight of the ambulances through the visor of her helmet, Zoé slammed on the brakes, her foot dropping down and pressing firmly into the ground below her causing the tail end of the bike to swing around; kicking about some gravel before finally, it came to a complete stop, resting up against her inner thigh as she readjusted herself over the seat, her head lifting up just in time to see not only a figure go flying out of the back of one of the ambulances, but also to watch three separate figures go rushing in. Perfect… an out of control wolf… that’s all she needed… Groaning out in slight frustration to the ever escalating situation, she stooped her head down slightly and began to loosen the strap of her helmet before she took a hold of either side of it; a wave of long dark locks falling down and over both her back and shoulders the moment she removed her helmet from her head, placing it down on the bike between her body and the handles. She had expected the medics… hell, she expected her sister to be there too; but the fact that there had been two others like her there at the camp site..? That she wasn’t expecting… Lifting her body up off of the cushion, Zoé swung her leg over the body of the bike, her fingers quickly working to remove her leather gloves and to shove them into the back pocket of her jeans before she was off, her boots crunching over the path as she made her way through the crowd and towards the commotion going on, her eyes (flickering a brilliant red in color) turning over to get a glance of what was happening in the back of the ambulance- whatever had happened, it seemed to be over and done with now; Quinton was in control of the situation, and with the appearance of Magnus, and now her older sister approaching… Yeah… she was in for a long night… [color=Plum]“Ah, ah, ah..! Don’t even get started on me tonight, Myra…”[/color] Shooting her hand up the very moment her sister opened her mouth to speak, she shot her a look, her eyes glowing brightly and in warning as the woman shot her back a glare, [color=Plum]“I’ve been through hell already, and there’s still a shit ton more I need to do.”[/color] [b]“This was done by one of your lot, wasn’t it..? You at least have to tell me that.”[/b] Pausing a moment, Zoé hesitated, her eyes closing for a brief second before she nodded her head lightly in response to her sister’s question- as much of a job she was going to have dealing with the new wolves that managed to survive the bite, her sister had just a big a job in trying to cover it all up in one way or another, [color=Plum]“..yes... yes it was…”[/color] Forcing her attention back over to the task at hand, she shot another look over at the four figures in the ambulance, eyes meeting with Quinton’s for the briefest of moments in a silent understanding for him to come and find her with the others when he was ready before she turned back to the hospital in front of her, her feet once more moving, and her pace picking up as she hurried through the door, stopping just inside so that she could get an idea of just how bad things had gotten, and how hard it was going to be for her to do what it was that she needed to do. There were doctors and nurses everywhere… teenagers on stretchers; beaten, bruised, and bloodied among other things. A security guard with a slashed face, and a child causing a fuss as he tried to pull away from the older man’s strong grip. That child… she knew him; seen him around more than once, but never with a parental figure, and with the scent she was getting off of him..? This was yet just another situation she was going to have to step into and sort out. [color=Plum]“That child belongs to me; if you have a problem with it, why not take a little walk outside and speak to the chief about it.”[/color] Narrowing her eyes (now back to their normal color), Zoé made her way forward, not even seeming to skip a beat as she leant forward, her arms both reaching out to take a hold of the boy, hoisting him up into the air, and holding him against her body before continuing on her way, her eyes flicking about as she continued to look for the people she knew she was going to need the most co-operation from, [color=Plum]“..it’s foolish of you to pull stunts like that; especially if you don’t want to get caught… You’re to stay by my side; stray from it, and you [i]will[/i] regret it… I don’t think that guard is going to forget what you did any time soon. Speaking of which, you’re going to give everything you stole from here to my friend when we speak to him, understand..?”[/color] Not even bothering to wait for an answer, though making her point clear enough for the child to fully understand that she wasn’t joking around with him, she let her gaze once more flick about the hall they were in, lingering every so often upon different figures before she found the ones that she was looking for specifically, [color=Plum]“Melissa… Xerxes… I need your help; and someone has something that he needs to give to you…”[/color] Frowning slightly, she closed the gap between them as she felt their eyes falling upon her person, her arms shifting around the boy, though her hold around him remained gentle… loving… almost motherly as she glanced between the nurse and the doctor, each so different from one another, but each entwined deeply within the community kept secret from the rest of the world. [b]“I knew this wasn’t just a normal attack… It’s happening again, isn’t it..? They were bitten just like Scott was when he was their age…”[/b] [color=Plum]“Melissa relax; I’m going to take care of everything, but I need you both to help me.”[/color] Turning her head back so that she was able to look over her shoulder at one of the stretchers closest to her, Zoé sighed out softly in frustration, eventually managing to return her gaze back over to the two who were stood in front of her, [color=Plum]“I need you both to help me get them into the one room; those who were bitten, they’re going to start healing soon, if not already, and that’s going to lead to questions… and not just from the rest of the staff…”[/color] Pausing a moment, she let her gaze settle, meeting with that of Xerxes and knowing that out of the both of them, he was the one who was going to understand the most, [color=Plum]“..I need to be there to answer those questions… or else what happened tonight is going to be the least of our problems; and your daughter..? Xerxes, let me help her.”[/color]