[@Oliver] [@Aeternum] Alright, apparently, the source of the confusion here is my post. I apologize for that. I'll try to explain. Here is what I did. Since I was left behind due to my inability to post during the holiday, I made this one big post to try and catch up to people. The first two parts aren't meant to be responded to anymore since it's already Day 6 in the current time of the RP. I've also talked to POO about this and we didn't really dwell too much on what happened in Day 5 and instead I had Audrianna interact with his character in Day 6. Yup, Aet, you explained that well enough. That's what I was trying to do. Now, for Day 6... I made a typo there. I initially wrote day 5 when it was supposed to be day 6. I put the time as 7AM cause that's the time I figured Audrianna should be in the kitchen to prepare food for everyone. Breakfast. Since Wick posted something for Cody there, I figured, the best way to interact with her is to remove Audrianna from her interaction with Jae, Ben and Robert and put her back to work serving people and then eventually back into the kitchen. And yeah, I just realized now that there's an 11AM timeline there from Cody... Anyway, I don't mean to confuse people and deter anyone from actually joining in so I'll apologize again. I can always scrap what I wrote and do it all over again. Or at least edit parts anyone thinks I should edit. If it doesn't work, I'll just remove what caused the confusion and just have my characters come in at a later time. [@Aeternum] There is, in fact, a reason that I keep things vague and don't bother with time other than a generic: "Day X: " sort of scheme. <--- this is actually a good idea. I will follow this scheme from now on.