[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=World%20Narrative&name=Bleeding_Cowboys.ttf&size=50&style_color=f26522[/img][/center][hr][center][img]https://images.gr-assets.com/hostedimages/1453542413ra/17839047.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] Anisa looked over towards the monitor as she heard Daphne cursing under her breath. Her eyes narrowing before looking back to Quinn as he made his demands. [color=f26522]"Quinn, go to hell,"[/color] Captain Crowe spat before leaning over and cutting the feed between the ships. Once the communication was black and it was safe to talk freely Anisa let go of Camilla and spoke through the ships private com. [color=f26522]"Gideon can we move yet?"[/color] she asked in a frustrated voice. "If Daphne can get us off the ground we can get into the black but we won't have full burn Cap!" he warned her. [color=f26522]"Right, stay down there and be ready for orders."[/color] Turning she looked over at Camilla and Atticus. [color=f26522]"Camilla go with Atticus, suit up and follow his directions. Jackson, Gene, be ready to break free from the ship on my mark."[/color] Atticus nodded and ran off with Camilla close on his heels. Running to each of the shuttles he explained to Jackson and Gene in turn. [color=fff79a]"Little presents for our Cannibals in the sky. Set it here, and flush it out like you would any other waste. Will detonate on impact."[/color] Running back off him and Camilla made their way down into the cargo bay after each of them stopping by their personal quarters and grabbing a few boxes each. [color=f26522]"Get us in the air Daphne!"[/color] Over on the Retribution Jahosafat nodded towards his old friend Foy. [color=gray]"I dare say, if I had know this was going to be such an eventful encounter I may have chosen the brown suit,"[/color] he laughed, the fact that a Reaver ship was closing in from the black not even seeming to phase his happy attitude. [color=gray]"Though until we get into a form of fisticuffs with these uninvited quests, I only have one idea."[/color] A sick grin coming over his features as he stood there. [color=gray]"Captain, have Lt. Harper ready to eject life pod D29 on my mark,"[/color] he said before turning to Foy. [color=gray]"Mind giving me an assist old chap?"[/color] he asked before stepping to the door of the bridge. Looking over at Quinn, he grinned and jumped in place a few times, seemingly all too excited. [color=gray]"On my mark Captain, and if this doesn't work, might want to have that gunner blow it out of the sky,"[/color] he said before running off towards the infirmary. The Reaver ship coming in from the black only slowly just enough to not ping pong ball off the atmosphere. Breaking atmo it seemed like it was heading towards the settlement where Patience was was its course suddenly changed and it was beelining it for both ships. Seems there was a change in their original plans.