[h2]Nishimura Yuki[/h2] It was a little hard to keep talking when there was suddenly some kind of loud explosion that seemed to reverberate through the ground. Yuki's eyes widened and she looked around rapidly. What if people were hurt or something? What was that sound exactly?! After a few minutes, however, Yuki realized there was no smoke or anything like that... maybe it wasn't... ah, she'd still have to keep an eye out for anything bad, but... Yuki shook her head. For now she had to work on helping the people with her out and keeping an eye out for whatever might have caused that explosion. It was far off and might equally have been harmless, so running off and abandoning the people she was with now seemed like a decidedly poor idea. For a few moments, she was distracted by the sight of Ruru riding atop the Chinese woman's little robot, kicking her feet as it spun and seeming to have a wonderful time. As much of a pain as Ruru could sometimes be, it was hard to deny that was both an entirely ridiculous and entirely adorable display. "Er... right, Mei-san," Yuki said, shaking her head. If Mei was alright with being referred to by her given name, then Yuki wasn't going to keep insisting on referring to her more formally. Instead, she stepped towards the exit of the alleyway... only to immediately encounter someone in red armor. "Ah? Another... what's going [i]on[/i] here?" she questioned. Seriously, why were so many people just showing up at random in this weird medieval town? Whatever the case was they needed to get to the bottom of this. "No, I'm not from around here. And this keeps getting weirder by the second. Vivi-kun-" She paused to gesture to the small mage boy. "-Says there might be a castle or something? Er... I [i]think[/i] he's from here..." She couldn't help but notice, however, that this new person was reminiscent of Kamen Rider and Sentai... which pretty much immediately got her heart beating with excitement. But... no! Now was time to be serious and focus, right?! No fangirling allowed! "Oh! Oh! I didn't introduce myself yet!" cried Ruru, waving her hands at both Mei and the newcomer, "My name is Lulilulilulululilalalulali Lalulolelalilililululalilolilolela!" As she got a good look at the newcomer, the fairy grinned widely. "Oooh, you're gonna make Yuki-chan really excited!" Almost immediately, a blush tinted the pink-haired girl's cheeks. It's not that she entirely hid her love of all forms of heroic media, but... she was trying to be serious, now wasn't the time! "Sh-shut up, Ruru!" [@RolePlayerRoxas] [@Rin] [@Tachi]