Sven appreciated the group discussion and speculation about what the Mirror of Souls was capable of, and even chuckled slightly at Jack's joke. Once the others had finished speaking, he looked to them and clarified the situation. "Zhe tomb houses several traps vithin, that are powered by zhe souls of zhe varriors of zhe Emperor's army. Zhe Mirror is able to disarm zhe traps, allowing us to progress furzher into zhe tomb. As for zhe likelihood of zhese hired treasure hunters acting in Ceylon being aligned with zhe Axis powers, ve do not have enough intelligence to fully make a decision, vhich is vhy ve are providing you with an armed escort, opposed to a full regiment of Commonwealth forces." Sven took a brief pause to light and take a puff of his pipe, before resuming. "As for zhe other two pieces of zhe Mirror, ve have yet to locate zhem, but you all can expect to hear more upon your return from zhis mission. Now, I believe zhat covers everyzhing. If you have any more concerns, feel free to meet vith me in my office, but for now you all need to get ready for your trip. Dismissed." With that, he unclipped and rolled up the map, gathered the documents he had not given to the group, and headed for his office to prepare for driving the agents to the airport. [hider=OOC Tags] [@Tsar Gatto][@SkullsandSlippers][@Avanhelsing][@shylarah] [/hider]