[h2]TURN 1[/h2] Sitting in the Pacific Ocean, an archipelago, 377,972.28 km2 large. From around the world, students flew, mostly on separate flights from wherever their homes were to Haneda Airport in Tokyo City Japan. It was not uncommon, of course, for students from around the same area to have met in the airport, or to have perhaps even met each other prior to even going to the school. In waves, students were flown into the airport. Waiting outside the terminals, stood a man who appeared as if he would rather not be there. His eyes were wandering and if one looked closely enough, it could be noticeable that he was actually simply looking at all the girls passing through the airport. In one hand, he held a cup from one of the restaurants in the airport. In the other hand, a sign which read "SAOTOME DUEL SCHOOL" in both English and Japanese, speakers of other languages be damned. He was well dressed in a suite with a top hat, roughly in his late twenties. His facial structure, green eyes and brown hair were distinctly non-Japanese, and speaking English, he had an American accent. He introduced himself as Mr. O'Dell to his male students, though as Daniel to the females, students or not. Students who were closer had the option of taking the train, which took about the same time, though with a slightly more scenic view with a few more stops along the way. Awaiting at the train station was an older man dressed in a black suit and tie, hat covering his head, noticeably bald when he picked it up to scratch. He appeared very old, roughly in his sixties if one were to guess. This man introduced himself as Mr. Inoue, and reeked of cigarette smoke. He also had a sign, signalling to students of the school. The students were rounded up by these two instructors as well as the other students who had arrived earlier and managed to find the instructors. And once everybody was ready, they had left. The instructors, Mr. O'Dell and Mr. Inoue lead their groups into buses which they drove towards the school proper, the ride from the train station being much shorter. For those students heading from Tokyo, however, the trip was almost four hours between rolling hills, city scape, and as they approached, farm land. The long bus rides allowed the students to get acquainted with one another, sharing phone numbers, emails, and the like as well as simply talking about where they came from if they spoke at all. [hr] Filling in paperwork was relatively quick. After which, students were shown their rooms, picked based on their chosen major based on classes and preferences which they had already picked prior to arriving at the school. The rooms themselves were spartan, single bedrooms with one twin-sized bed, an end table with a lamp, a wooden desk, a wooden chair, a small closet jutting out of the corner, and a sink next to the door. There was a window between the bed and the closet, the view depending on where the student's room was. The dorms each had two shower rooms- one for males and one for females, and one laundry room. That day, the students were all given freedom to roam the campus as they so chose, with of course, more free time to those who had arrived earlier on in the day. The dorm buildings were all clearly marked with a statue of their dorm's mascot at the side of each of them. Nestled between the dorms and the cafeteria was a large courtyard garden area, several canopies interspersed between walkways and patches of freshly cut grass. Most of which were large open areas lined with tables and chairs, space left in the middle probably for individuals to duel one another. For the most part, students had the day to settle in.