[center][color=FFB6C1][h1]Roxanne Hart[/h1][/color] [b]Location:[/b] Route 13, Rest Site [b]Interacting with:[/b] [@Deos Morran] / Aiden; [@Sen] / Novis [b]GM:[/b] [@MechonRaptor][/center] [hr] Roxy couldn't help but giggle as Aiden revealed his excitement for cooking, of all things. She was honestly very glad that they had someone who was (hopefully) a decent cook, seeing as she herself was utterly useless in that regard. Zorex seemed to be just as excited as Aiden; he was running in circles, and even gave Lucina a giant tackle-hug. The Riolu-startled at first-quickly reciprocated the hug, also looking forward to the prospect of food. Roxy giggled once again at the sight of Aiden already pulling out pots and the like before they'd even found a place to sit down. She couldn't blame him, though; food sounded like a godsend to her at this point. It was a short trip to the rest site, with the trio finding a good spot easily. Aiden seemed to be setting everything up for them already, so Roxy went ahead and sat down next to Lucina. Lucina promptly sat down as well, eager to rest a bit after the intense triple battle they'd fought earlier. Speaking of, Roxy realized she should probably tend to the injuries that Lucina and her new teammate had sustained. Thankfully, she'd brought along some potions, as well as a brush and a comb to clean up their fur. Deciding that a bit of TLC was in order for her Pokémon, Roxy took out her Rockruff's Pokéball and sent her out. Aela the Rockruff seemed to be calm now, a very different state than she had been in not that long ago. Pokéballs worked magic like that, Roxy mused as she gently petted her new friend's head. [color=lightpink]"Hey there. I'm Roxy, and this is Lucina,"[/color] she said, gesturing toward her Riolu. [color=lightpink]"I know we kind of met under some not-so-nice circumstances, but I'm really glad to have you with me,"[/color] she continued, keeping her voice soft. Lucina cautiously approached Aela, seeming curious about her new teammate. Aela-still injured from the fight-gave a friendly bark before wincing a bit and holding her paw up off the ground. [color=lightpink]"Here, let me heal that up for you,"[/color] Roxy said as she pulled a Potion out of her bag. At that moment, Novis spoke to her, causing Roxy to pause and look up at him. That's right, Aiden [i]was[/i] doing a lot for them, wasn't he? Cooking for them was a huge favor, even if he was also cooking for himself. [color=lightpink]"Oh, yeah, of course! Aiden, if you need our help, let us know. In fact, I don't mind patching up your guys' Pokémon for you."[/color] Although, she only had five Potions, and she'd need six to take care of everyone's Pokémon. Though she was sure that she saw some Oran Berries somewhere around here...a few of those would work just as well. [color=lightpink]"After I patch up my Pokémon, we could go get some Oran Berries for you all. Save some money instead of having to buy more Potions, and maybe you could use them for what you're cooking, Aiden?"[/color]