[h2]Vivi[/h2] Vivi let out a small cry and leaped an impressive distance upwards for a short wizard, at the sound of a loud explosion. What had even caused that?! As far as he could tell, nothing was amiss in their general vicinity, and the other two seemed quick to shake it off. He pondered for a moment if that massive airship he saw as he entered Alexandria had maybe landed? It was probably big enough to shake the whole town if it reached the ground, right? And then, someone red appeared. Once more, Vivi found himself placed behind the two older girls, silently assessing the newest... newcomer from beneath his shadow-casting hat. Was that... armour? The helmet looked strange as well. Was it an Alexandrian guard? The ones he saw at the town's gate had silver armour, though... and visible faces. Maybe this was a captain or something...? But they sounded lost as well... well, given how confusing basic commuting turned out to be for Alexandria, maybe its own guards ended up lost as well? Vivi's gaze once more flickered downward at Yuki's mention. He wasn't really FROM Alexandria, he'd only just arrived ten minutes or so ago, after all. Still, with the exception of the red-armoured guard, he seemed to be the only one aware of their location. Or at least, where they [i]should[/i] be. He was getting the sinking suspicion that he was wrong after all... Amidst his worry, he watched Ruri tease Yuki about... something. He wasn't really sure why, but Yuki was now pretty flustered. At least he wasn't the only one with that feeling right now.