[h2]Phocas Amyntas - Intersection of 5,6, & 12[/h2] As the lunar creature's real form was revealed, Phoc smiled a tiny bit. Finally, all this illusory nonsense was behind him. He just had to slash her, and that would be it. Looking up at it though, she was holding up a card, and there were bizarre red eyes behind her form. As Phoc deflected one of her attacks, it too shouted something, though this was in english oddly, instead of the standard latin. A ring of magical energy blasted out of her at once. Phoc's wings once again sprouted out from under his robes and brought him higher, being intent on dodging through a gap in the burst. But the magic became transparent, almost gone, before there were two sets of the rings. Phoc quickly realized what was going on, and made an impulsive decision. The sky was about to be flooded with bullets with no way to dodge, the only way he would survive this is if he stopped the fight here. Gritting his teeth, Phoc charged skywards and vaguely towards his goal. The magic bullets pounded into him, obviously not being powerful enough to kill on their own but the pain adding up. His Star Veil allowed him some respite, and the adrenaline gave him the strength to muscle through, but he knew he was still at least half-way to unconsciousness. All he needed was one decisive blow. Getting to the heart of the beast, where all the magic was coming from, Phoc finally came face to face with his captor. Half of his mask was shattered, revealing a cerulean eye and hair, and his robes were in much the same state, grey armor peeking out. He looked Reisen straight in the eyes, and with two hands, began to swing his blade down with all his strength.