[center][h2]Reisen Udongein Inaba[/h2] [i]Intersection of Districts 5, 6, and 12[/i][/center] Watching the madman graze past (or occasionally take straight to the face) all of the bullets that she was throwing out, Reisen had to at least give him some credit; taking a few danmaku shots to the body was one thing, but rushing straight into someone shooting the bullets was a wholly different level of brickheaded. Granted, she had seen a few cards where that was the optimal way of dealing with them (a stupid little ice fairy came to mind here), but the bullets were so dense at this distance that it'd be well near impossible to not take at least twenty to the face in a single burst. She was understandably surprised, though, when that was what ended up happening, Watching someone take that many bullets to the face and [i]not[/i] be stunned? That was sorta... Well, granted, he was likely running off a mix of insanity and adrenaline, which explained a lot, but still. When the Lunarian noticed that he was raising his sword to cut her down, though, she noticed one very crucial detail. He was looking into her eyes. [i]Perfect[/i] timing. Cancelling the spellcard and dispelling the aftereffects thereon, Reisen shot forward before shooting a quick laser at the lunatic's hands to disarm him before returning the gaze into his eyes. With her eyes once again shining, the rabbit used one hand to knock off whatever remained of the now-shattered mask before letting her ability do it's work. With the hand that was [i]not[/i] punching, Reisen quickly grabbed the man's chin and forced him to keep looking into her eyes. It probably wouldn't take long to work out the madness, now that she could see the frantic wavelengths bouncing around inside of that brain of his. The strength of his body was faltering, so once she forced his brainwaves to stop firing all over the place he'd probably be either too tired to continue fighting or out cold. Either worked, honestly. "...There. Not too hard, now was it?" [@Kafka Komedy] [hr] [center][h2]Sogiita Gunha[/h2] [i]District 10[/i][/center] With a final leap, Gunha jumped over the last of the houses between himself and his destination before landing in a dramatically superhero-esque fashion, with his fist firmly impacting the ground (and leaving a small hole in the process) as he slowly looked up. "...Yeah, no, that sorta entrance feels... Well, it's gutsy, yeah, but it ain't [i]me[/i]," he sighed, shaking his head as he got up and brushed his clothes off. When observed from up close, the crater was definitely a bit larger than what he had expected, but that could probably be blamed on perspective. Granted, he also didn't expect a woman-kaiju hybrid that looked a good few feet taller than him given what he had seen on the ground, but he could forgive that partially because of two reasons. First: the human/kaiju hybrid seemed to be perfectly fine following the impact, which meant that, as he had expected, she had guts to spare. Second: There didn't seem to be anyone injured by the impact. Whether or not that was intentional didn't matter; causing a mess like that and [i]not[/i] having any casualties was impressive, to say the least. Guts: yes. "Oi! You alright there? Looked like a pretty nasty fall you took there!" he called out, walking forward to get a closer look. Even if she lashed out, Gunha was confident he could take a few hits if it came down to it. A fight, though...? Well, that would definitely be a tossup. Tokusatsu and kaiju went hand in hand, but this wasn't exactly a television show... [@Lmpkio][@AstroLu]