[h2][color=lightblue]Location: Route 13, Rest Site Interacting With: [@Shadeflare123] [@Sen] [@MechonRaptor][/color][/h2] As soon as Aiden reached the table of the Rest Site he was unloading his supplies. Setting a mean makeshift kitchen, he made sure to leave plenty of room for not only his friends, but also a large space to prepare the food that he was quickly taking out of his bag. Then once it appeared as if he had everything, he burst into a blur of movement. Slicing, dicing, chopping, tossing, and stewing. Yet before he could continue he'd need some help from his god buddy Zorex, [color=lightblue]"Hey Zorex, come on over here I need you buddy!"[/color] Zorex let out a cheery cry and ran over to Aiden's leg, ready to help out however he could. But before Aiden could say what he needed both of his friends spoke up with offers to help. Now while Aiden didn't doubt their ability to cook, this was his field and he needed some space to craft up his art. Being said of course having more ingredients would NEVER hurt. So responding to them first he said, [color=lightblue]"Of course you guys can help if you want. Berries and some local herbs would make for great appetizers, desserts, and of course seasoning! BUt you'd better be quick! I'll be starting to cook up the courses soon!"[/color] With that out of the way Aiden turned to Zorex and leaned over a bit to say, [color=lightblue]"Hey buddy, do me a favor and get a fire going."[/color] Then with his orders set Zorex ran over to a nearby grill stand and upon taking a quick puff of breath, let out a small Dragon Rage puff, sparking the fuel inside to making a heated grill that Aiden now had to work with. Upon seeing the grill lit Aiden thanked his best friend and then started to move his prepared foods in his various pots and pans over to the fire. Suddenly sizzling, frying, and sparking could be heard as Aiden unleashed a potent wafting smell of delicious food that carried all around, making both Pokemon and Trainers with taste buds salivate over the wondrous smells.