[h2]Reinhardt Wilhelm[/h2] [b]"Ah, it is true. I was walking through some woods and there was a notice from an old communicator. But then I was here before I checked,"[/b] Reinhardt said, making a note to check what could possibly be coming through official Overwatch channels. If anyone in Overwatch were to be doing something like this, it would have to be Winston... but what would the gorilla want to do with sending agents to other worlds and how would it draw in a professional gamer? Something like [i]Talon[/i] might want to get rid of him that way but there was no way that terrorists would have managed to compromise his armour all the way up in Greenland. Sticking together seemed like a good idea--it would let him get to know someone he had wanted to meet since she so suddenly shot up the rankings! [b]"Maybe one of these people will trade food for work? This city looks like it would do good sausages."[/b] [@thewizardguy] [hr] [h2]Yukine Chris[/h2] Citizens weren't the only people following the group around: Chris had no other way to find a chance to get home than by following the only people that weren't from around here and making sure they didn't put the guns to any sort of use. It gave her time to pay attention to his followers and pick out the three with similar armaments. More telling was that all of them had their faces full covered in some manner; just what the hell was the green smoke that was constantly following that guy around? Someone else from up ahead had decided to ask about it but that voice... it couldn't be. How had that idiot managed to get herself sucked in here as well? She'd have to wait for the group of soldiers to do something or line up so she could get past before getting any sort of visual confirmation that Hibiki had, in fact, gotten transported as well. The soldiers were too tall for her to see much on their other side. [@VitaVitaAR][@CorpusMundus] [hr] [color=gold][h2]Gilgamesh[/h2][/color] The birds were chirping, the city was waking, and the King of Heroes was walking around as if he owned the place. All of this was completely normal for the mostly-divine entity that had been awaiting the coming Grail War in order to cleanse the Earth of those unworthy of his rule. There just happened to be one simple distance: this wasn't any city or country that he had ever heard of. Nor was the language familiar to anything he was used to, though understanding came quickly. Obviously, it wasn't the first time that he had been summoned. Yet the differences were easily counted up: the summoning for the Grail War had imparted knowledge of the world he had been summoned into, yet he didn't even know the name of the local city. It maintained continuity with his previous summon, as the hero was unable to turn into a purely spiritual form and those weapons abandoned after the fight with Caster's monstrosity were still absent from his treasury. It was definitely Magic that was behind this but with all the different signs, it wasn't the same as the Grail's. It sounded more like the second magic, from his knowledge of such things--but why would that man be behind something like this? Further complicating the situation was the reaction he was getting. Though attention naturally fell on him in the same manner as a plant turns towards the sun, the looks were far more apprehensive than deserved. His clothing was out of place; snakeskin trousers were eminently [i]not[/i] any part of normal clothing here but at the same time shouldn't have drawn such wariness, just confusion. This was far too European to be so remote a part of the world that all the locals would give such looks. This must be some alternate reality, then, which made the wizard's involvement all the more likely. Two events broke up Gilgamesh's walk. The first was a pouch lying discarded by the edge of the road, blending into the dust around it. The money inside was welcome: not a huge amount, yet, but it was a start to do something with or acquire whatever piqued his interest in this place. The second was a fight. Taking place in the [i]air[/i]. Between someone in a mask and what appeared to be a girl with rabbit ears. Rabbit ears attached to her head--not human, then. Some of the magical bullets required actual evasion from the ground due to the changing pace of the battle, yet that was a few steps at this distance. Of course, the rabbit girl managed to win, since she was better at fighting in this environment, though not in the way he had expected. Her bullets seemed disturbingly weak. The two might notice him, even, as the last person still inhabiting the intersection and staring up at them with a far more relaxed expression than anyone else in this city might have. [@PKMNB0Y][@Kafka Komedy]