Sunder froze her. It was a relatively simple action, that required little to no effort on his part. And it wasn't anything too powerful, either- it was a simple compulsion spell, telling her that she couldn't move, that she didn't know [i]how[/i] to move. And that she couldn't escape it. Any magician with basic wards would be able to shrug it off, as well as a mundane with extraordinarily strong will, or a stronger will in a person of magic. This girl knew so little about magic that it was nonexistent, because, for her, i twas. He turned to her, slowly, and replied, "Yes, very generous of me. I could use you for magical experiments, if you're so against going to Whitehall." He paused, before resuming to eat another forkful of food. Chewing thoughtfully, slowly, he resumed his talk. "Cease your disrespect. I don't demand you to bow or any of the sort, but I [i]do[/i] expect respect. There are few in this land who would stare me in the eyes, and much fewer who are of an equal status as myself. Learn which fights to fight, and when to [i]stop[/i]. Or you'll displease someone with a much lesser tolerance of you." He released the spell as he went back to finishing his plate. "When you're finished, wave to Priscilla. She'll take you to get outfitted and the like." He turned away in what could be none other than a dismissal, surveying his servants somewhat apathetically.