[center][h1][color=EF5C86]Genevieve Dupoit[/color][/h1][/center] [hr][center][color=EF5C86][b]Location:[/b][/color] Personal Shuttle[/center][hr] Gene kept eye contact on the Reaver ship. She always heard stories of the Reavers, but she never thought she would see one up close. It was fascinating, even though it was clear that they were in danger. Though the Reaver ship seemed to be heading towards the planet, it quickly changed its course and was now coming for them. She heard Anisa over the comm. She was ready to branch off. She's [i]been[/i] ready for a bit now, but she knew Anisa had a plan. That was even more apparent when Atticus stopped and dropped off what appeared to be a bomb, with simple instructions of flushing it. She questioned just how it would work, but she had little choice. They needed to get moving and they needed to make sure the Reaver ship didn't follow them. So she held the little device that could kill her and waited for them to get moving.