[center][@PKMNB0Y][@AstroLu] [h1][b][color=A9A9A9]Gojira-Sama[/color][/b][/h1] [img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/Gojira-San_zpsnfmv1nxd.png[/img] [i]Section 10[/i][/center] [hr] As Gojira-Sama gets onto her feet, bit by bit, she suddenly senses someone nearby. She shakes her head wildly to simply get her head to start processing things much more effectively. Blinking rapidly, while trying to process her surroundings, she wouldn't see the man coming towards her until she heard him speak towards her. [i]"Oi! You alright there? Looked like a pretty nasty fall you took there!"[/i] The kaiju-hybrid blinks twice as she turns behind herself, swooshing her long tail in the process. Gojira-Sama looks down at the man, who was in her point of view, looked rather small. She towers over him by at least a good 2 feet taller and probably then some. He looked like a student... but a student with a powerful aura. She could feel it coursing through her senses. Though at the same time, he looks rather friendly. Maybe he knows where she is? But before she could respond, her hallucinations kick in one last time, as the face of her enemy pops out like a ghost in front of her eyes, issuing a haunting shriek, along with several other images that rapidly fly by her. Gojira-Sama roars in anguish, holding her left side of her eye as she makes a giant swooping motion with her tail, heading straight towards the newcomer. Already, the plates attached to her clothing were beginning to crackle in radiative energy and her mouth is beginning to glow a bright neon-blue, breathing heavily as she does so. She is still confused, like an animal awakening out of a long sedation period. Whether or not the man will recognize her pain and suffering, any retaliation could instantly lead to a fight, or worse...