[hider=Dominic Petrov Wells, The Groom][center][hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/wbv6lOP.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/IrLs9Ml.png[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/xORB8hy.png[/img][hr][hr] [color=deepskyblue][i]"Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone - we find it with another."[/i][/color] [b]—Thomas Merton[/b] Lost Boy by Ruth B I am just a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuHdkSj5nGc][color=deepskyblue][b]L O S T B O Y [/b][/color][/url] Save me from myself Don't let me [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkV5709EG5M][color=deepskyblue][b]D R O W N[/b][/color][/url] Low on self-esteem, so you just run on [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYfJTzDo-MA][color=deepskyblue][b]G A S O L I N E[/b][/color][/url] [/center] [center][hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/mweNe5p.gif[/img][hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/j6S4bvh.png[/img][/center] [color=deepskyblue][b]N A M E[/b][/color] [indent]Dominic Petrov Wells[/indent] [color=deepskyblue][b]A G E [/b][/color] [indent]24[/indent] [color=deepskyblue][b]G E N D E R[/b][/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=deepskyblue][B]E T H N I C I T Y[/B][/color] [indent]Polish, German, Russian, and Cuban [/indent] [color=deepskyblue][b]O C C U P A T I O N[/b][/color] [indent]Aspiring Novelist; works as an Manager of a Barnes and Noble store[/indent] [color=deepskyblue][b]S E X U A L I T Y[/b][/color] [indent]Pansexual[/indent] [color=deepskyblue][b]R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S[/b][/color] [indent]Engaged to be married to Chloe Jameson[/indent] [color=deepskyblue][b] E D U C A T I O N A L L E V E L[/b][/color] [indent]Working on his Master degree for English; has a BA in Graphic Design.[/indent] [center][hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/dNUYWy0.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/hHSM7oq.gif[/img][hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Kh01M5n.png[/img][/center] [color=deepskyblue][b]A P P E A R A N C E[/b][/color] [indent]Dominic isn't really big - tall, sure - but not muscular. He's a thin man, not Slender Man-thin, but he doesn't a large assemble of muscle mass. There have been occasions where Dominic's body was called "lean", which is having the ideal fat content for whatever height someone is. Dominic has that. As tall as he is, which is two inches higher than an even 6'0, Dominic's weight isn't proportioned to make him look intimidating or fierce. He imposes a gentle appearance. When they look at him, they don't see a man that will pound them into the ground. They don't see a guy who will back down from a fight, either. Dominic imposes the kind of atmosphere that isn't either of things, yet if you push him far enough, you might be surprised. It doesn't help his case that he also has a very pale, white skintone. That doesn't mean he's albino, but when the sun meets his skin, it will boil deep red. Obviously he doesn't get out much. Dominic is very indecisive when it comes to his hairstyle. It's like he will go through a style every year. It's been like that since high school, starting at his freshmen year. He would go from short to long to longer to even longer, and then cut it to almost buzzcut-length. It has been noted by his family and his fiance that the latter was his worst yet. Still, there is no denying that Dominic has a track record of being experimental with his hairstyles. There wre even moments of him going blonde. Safe to say it didn't work out so well. Stupid college. Anyways, back on topic. Dominic's hair, now, seemed to ahve found a middle ground from his boy band-esque length and Army Buzzcut as it comes just a few inches above his neckline. The bangs are about three inches away from his eyes when they flow naturally without anything moving them. His natural hair color seems to be around a mix of auburn and some kind of hazelnut brown shade. It's really hard to pinpoint exactly what the shade of Dominic's eyes are. There have been quite a few people whom have tried to guess what they were. His parents say they are hazelnut like his hair, but Jean often told him that they seem to be more of a lax green-brown hybrid. Other times have been noted by his friends that Dominic's eyes are actually almond with a hint of chocolate brown. Even Chloe told Dominic that she was unsure what his eye color was. Most people really don't know. Dominic isn't even sure himself, so he just went with what seemed to be the general consensus of that kind of light brown, hint of almond shade. Whatever you want to say it is, there is one thing that is true: Dominic's eyes are, regardless of the lighting, what one thinks, or whatever, brown. Though, generally, Dominic's fashion sense is what is to be expected of him, there is also something quite unique about it. You see, there are two sides to Dominic's fashion style. There's the part that is conservative, traditional, and stylish; it's the side that speaks normality and presentability.This is the side that is usually made up of slacks and sweater vests and button-up shirts. This is the side that Dominic has been known to call his "formal" wear. It's the side where nothing out of the ordinary is spotted. Shirts that are of neutral colors; pants that are of presentable length; shoes that have no flashy design. This is the style of clothing that Dominic wears when he's forced to forsake all uniqueness. This is what he must resort to impress those he must, like possible future employers that will want him for a job, or his future in-laws. This is the style that looks good on him, but it is not the [i]real[/i] Dominic Wells. The second style — the one that Dominic shows only those that he trusts; a style that has Dominic in his true element — is one that is composed of wacky colors, off-beat, totally out of the ordinary, completely opposite of conservative style. It is one that has mismatching socks, hats that are as goofy as the character they are based off of, shirts that often have some comical design, sometimes a caricature of political figures. It is a style that has pants of various makes and of various color combinations. It is a style completely his own, and Dominic owns it. He takes it by the horns like a bullrider, and commands it to walk for him and not him walk for it. Everything about it speaks the true Dominic; the Dominic that Chloe fell in love with after getting to know him; the Dominic that Jean knows, that Chloe knows, that Tish knows, that his parents know — that everyone knows. This is the style that Dominic can be himself without worry of feeling awkward and/or out of place in the clothes he wears. To put quite simply, it's where he feels most like himself. It's where he feels like the real Dominic Petrov Wells. Dominic could be the first one to admit that he was never one for having an extensive amount of piercings or body art like certain childhood friends of his; however, that doesn't mean that Dom hasn't delved into some aspects of the aforementioned body accessories. During his high school years, Dom was dared by Jean to get his ears pierced. God how it hurt. The fact that something was going to punch a hole through his year frightened him greatly, but he did it because he didn't want to give Jean the bragging rights of rubbing it in his face on how much of a coward that Dominic was. Besides, it was only two(one on each of his earlobes). Still to this day, Dominic keeps his ears pierced. He doesn't wear anything flashy - just a pair of simple pearl earrings that Chloe gave to him for his eighteenth birthday. It also just so happened that his birthday fell around when they graduated high school, so there's that too. Along with the two piercings that Dominic has, he also has a few tattoos, which is kind of funny since Dominic has a deep-rooted fear of needles. Still, he wasn't assertive enough to turn down Tish when she offered, so he just endured the pain. He didn't know what he wanted to get, so he let Tish just pick a couple for him. Of course he had to sign off on them as they would be on his body permanently. The first tattoo he got was inked onto his body when Tish was just starting her tattoo shop in 2013. This first tattoo is a Harry Potter-based one.It is [url=http://www.ranthollywood.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/instagram-meeshdog-deathly-hallows.jpg]the symbol of the Deathly Hallows[/url]. It has the shape of a regular triangle with a vertical line going from the corner right through the center to the bottom. Rising from the bottom is a circle stroke that surrounds the line and connects with it. Around the triangle on the left side are "I solemnly swear that". That part goes from the bottom left side to the top left in a diagonal. "I am up to no good." is the same, but it goes from top right to bottom right in a diagonal line. Both parts are written in a handwriting, This tattoo is located on the back of his neck. The second tattoo that Dominic got was as personal as personal can get. It was a tattoo he got to symbolize his love for his darling Chloe. It was a tattoo that was commissioned by his oldest - and best - friend growing up, Tish. This tattoo was a matching one he got with Chloe. Together, they are[url=http://media3.popsugar-assets.com/files/2015/03/24/740/n/1922398/f1b1c4f1825ad8cc_Color-HeartsjwaZu2.xxxlarge/i/Watercolor-Heart-Puzzle-Pieces.jpg] watercolor puzzle hearts[/url]. One — Chloe's tattoo — has the paint inside, and the other — Dom's tattoo — has it exploding around it. Chloe's was done on her right wrist and Dominic's was done on his left wrist. Separate, they just look like cool, moderately-flashy tatoos, but together it's clear to anyone that it's a symbol of their love. Chloe represents the control and containment of their love. She represents the quiant aspect of it while Dominic's exploding half represents the emotional, the unconditional, the absolutely, wholeheartedly, love that they share. Separate they are incomplete, but together, like Dominic and Chloe themselves, they are whole.[/indent] [center][hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/1G3SWJ0.gif[/img][hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/yB0dy5C.png[/img][/center] [color=deepskyblue][b]H A B I T S | O D D I T I E S | Q U I R K S[/b][/color] [indent]♞ [color=deepskyblue][b]Wears mis-matching socks[/b][/color] ♞ [color=deepskyblue][b]Non-traditional photo presence[/b][/color] ♞ [color=deepskyblue][b]Can always be seen holding a cup of a hot beverage in his hands[/b][/color] ♞ [color=deepskyblue][b]Refuses to step on cracks on the sidewalk[/b][/color] ♞ [color=deepskyblue][b]Has a snork in his laugh every time[/b][/color] [/indent] [color=deepskyblue][b]H O B B I E S[/b][/color] [indent][color=gold]♛[/color] [color=deepskyblue][b]Reading[/b][/color] [color=gold]♛[/color] [color=deepskyblue][b]Drinking Hot Beverages[/b][/color] [color=gold]♛[/color] [color=deepskyblue][b]Taking walks on the beach, usually at night or around sunset/sunrise[/b][/color] [color=gold]♛[/color] [color=deepskyblue][b]Writing down in his [s]diary[/s] online blog[/b][/color] [color=gold]♛[/color] [color=deepskyblue][b]Getting lost in the music he listens to[/b][/color] [/indent] [color=deepskyblue][b]L I K E S[/b][/color] [indent][color=green]✔[/color] [color=limegreen][b]Chloe!!!![/b][/color] ([color=deepskyblue]"You will always have all of my heart. ♥"[/color]) [color=green]✔[/color] [color=limegreen][b]Poetry and novels(and any other form of reading)[/b][/color] [color=green]✔[/color] [color=limegreen][b]Hot beverages[/b][/color] [color=green]✔[/color] [color=limegreen][b]Anything Quirky or Unusual[/b][/color] [color=green]✔[/color] [color=limegreen][b]Food in general[/b][/color] [color=green]✔[/color] [color=limegreen][b]Music and talking about it[/b][/color] [color=green]✔[/color] [color=limegreen][b]Japanese Roleplaying Video Games[/b][/color] [color=green]✔[/color] [color=limegreen][b]Finding the hidden depths of films[/b][/color] [/indent] [color=deepskyblue][b]D I S L I K E S[/b][/color] [indent][color=red]✘[/color] [color=maroon][b]Needles[/b][/color] [color=red]✘[/color] [color=maroon][b]His father's ways/expectations/judgmental attitude[/b][/color] [color=red]✘[/color] [color=maroon][b]Heights[/b][/color] [color=red]✘[/color] [color=maroon][b]Agression and Confrontations[/b][/color] [color=red]✘[/color] [color=maroon][b]His melancholic mood swings[/b][/color] [color=red]✘[/color] [color=maroon][b]Energy Drinks[/b][/color] [color=red]✘[/color] [color=maroon][b]Indian Food(from India, not Indiana)[/b][/color] [/indent] [color=deepskyblue][b]F E A R S[/b][/color] [indent][color=black]☠[/color] [color=663399][b]Chloe will leave him for someone more muscular, more attractive, more rich than he is[/b][/color] [color=black]☠[/color] [color=663399][b]His future mother-in-law[/b][/color] [color=black]☠[/color] [color=663399][b]Ending up alone.[/b][/color] [color=black]☠[/color] [color=663399][b]Heights[/b][/color] [color=black]☠[/color] [color=663399][b]Needles[/b][/color] [/indent] [center][hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/xT60Pa1.gif[/img][hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/CUXevSK.png[/img][/center] [color=deepskyblue][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b][/color] [center][u]♦ Benevolent ♦ Timid ♦ Placid ♦ Pensive ♦[/u][/center] [indent]The mind of Dominic Petrov Wells is a complex puzzle. There are mutiple turns, multiple levels, many ways where he could end up sweet, kind, compassionate, understanding, and just an all around sweet guy. There are times where the future husband of Chloe Jameson can appear confident in that non-threatening way, where he could appear like teh strongest man in the room just by the way he presents himself. No, not in the way where physical strength is the deciding factor. It's the way that [i]really[/i] matters. It's the way where something in the eyes that exhibits a stern, subtle fiercosity that only those who truly know what he's about really know that it's the most attractive thing that Dom could do. It's the ways that, even though he doesn't have the most intimidating presence, the way he stands his grand more than makes up for it. And yet, Dominic Wells has moments where all confidence is gone as soon as a Ferrari goes 0-60mph. It lays deep within his own insecurities. These insecurities are rooted back to his childhood, back to how his father was, how he was treated in school(all of them),how everything about Dominic doesn't spell most would've thought was the fiance of Chloe Jameson. These insecurities are rooted in paranoia, hesitation, over-thinking, not sure if he is worthy of her, if she might find a better husband in the arms of someone who presented themselves in a stronger way that Dominic does. It's how that Chloe deserves someone more physically-fit than he is, more consistent displays of confidence, a reassuring attitude that won't give Chloe worries or anger. It's the way how Dominic becomes his own worst enemy. It's how he always will psyche himself out. It doesn't matter how many people say otherwise, once Dominic gets inside his own mind, once he starts to think about something in such a way that often puts him in a less-than flattering light, Dominic can't stop but think about the outrageous possible scenarios, and psyche himself out. He can't control how he has a slight paranoid mindset and over-thinks a lot of things that he really shouldn't. Existing somewhere between those two areas within Dominic's personality, there is another; less subtle and less co-dependent. It is a middle ground that has often been noted the place where Dominic has the most leeway of all sides to him. Build with layers of unpredictability and wackiness, this particular area is where the goofball in Dominic resides. In a land full of pranks and odd dosesof laughter, this is the area that was geographically formed during his college years. Well into his relationship with his Chloe, this side emerged. It brought him out, and Dominic found different sides of him. He found a love for conversation, wacky parties, illogical attire choices, and pretty much became open to indulge into anything silly, whimsical, and any combination of the two. This is where Dominic truly came out. Through all intents and purposes, this land, if made into a movie, would probably be a Tim Burton movie with Johnny Depp starring as Dominic. Often noted by several people, they have said that Dominic's mannerisms were always polite. Eyes are always up front, never do they drift from where they should be. Odd, probably, but the thing about Dominic is that he likes to make a good first impression. Even though there have been some contradictions about him, like how he has confidence but has insecurities that make him lack his confidence in himself, he still likes to at least try to make sure that he meets the eyes of whomever he's trying to impress. It doesn't matter if it's a potential employer, his future in-laws, or whatever. There will always be maximum effort from his part to at least make sure the impression made of Dominic is at least one that could be considered favorable. Even if somehow screws it up, Dominic wants to at least try his best. If he does that, then he would consider it a success.[/indent] [color=deepskyblue][b]H I S T O R Y[/b][/color] [indent] Dominic Petrov Wells was born on June 25th, 1992. His father, Conrad Tobias Wells, co-founder and co-owner of the Wells-Smith Law Firm, and his mother, Yesenia Constance Ramos-Wells, the Head of Public Relations of Wells-Smith Law Firm. Together they would raise their sons in their four bedroom Miami house in the suburbs, about twenty minutes away from the beach region of Miami. The years that followed were as bare as they could get. Dominic grew up in a nice, post house with a brother, a mother, a not-so-present father, and a few nannies that came over the years. Due to their jobs, Jean was the one who mainly looked after Dominic. Of course, there were nannies here and there, but Yesenia did do most of the raising. She tried to make sure that she raised them, showed them what the love of a mother could do. She made sure to give them all the unconditional love that she could. While attending elementary school, Dominic met an unlikely friend by the name of Patricia Webber. She was odd. He was shy. Somehow they seemed to form some kind of friendship that would carry on for the years to come. Eventually, as both Wells children grew into their late childhood, it was revealed that Yesenia was pregnant. It was a girl. The rave in the Wells household was quite high, especially with the fact that Yesenia was finally getting a daughter. Her parents were all about making the occasion as stress-free as it could be. All of the classes that she had to go to were taken care of by her mother and father, and pretty much everything that she needed, was more or less taken care of by her family. that whole year was pretty much stress-free for Yesenia - well, aside form the fact that her husband was always being difficult. His usual words weren’t helping anyone, and most believed that he knew that. In fact, some among Yesenia’s family thought he was just doing it to spite her, to spite her family, to spite their children, and to spite anyone who would have been present during his constant ramblings. Aaahh, whatever, not like Yesenia would let it bother her. She’s such a Cuban woman. It didn’t matter. Once she got into her last trimester, no one was going to say anything, especially Conrad. And especially when she was going into birth. That was a scary time. Dominic doesn’t recall it that well. He only knows of what Jean has hinted to him over the years and that the birth of their sister, Anastasia Iris Ramos — who was born on December 23rd, 1998 — was a dark time for the Wells family. Apparently Conrad became the most obedient husband for the first week. Dominic couldn’t believe it, but apparently anything was possible. And thus the years continued on. Dominic and Jean started to become men. Only two years apart they were, so they generally went to the same schools up until Dominic was in seventh grade(Anastasia at the time was just starting first). Dominic was bound to be in the same high school as his big brother by the time he was a Freshman(9th grade). At the time, Jean would have been a Junior(11th grade). And by that time, Anastasia would have been in third grade. Still very young. High school was rough for Dominic, and his home life didn’t make it any easier. If it wasn’t bad enough that the kids at school were making fun of him, he was hearing whispers that his father might be cheating on his mother. You could imagine that this made Dominic angry, but he couldn’t do nothing about it since he didn’t have any concrete proof. It wouldn’t become known until a year later when Yesenia would confirm it one day. Apparently he had been cheating on her with his partner’s fresh-out-of-high-school daughter. Her name was Alison something something. Dominic really didn’t pay attention to her name. He honestly couldn’t stand the woman. She had broken up his family by seducing his father -or maybe he seduced her. Dominic wouldn’t know nor did he care. That put a sour note on his thoughts of his father. Safe to say that not long after all that went down, Yesenia put a speeding halt on the marriage, and filed for divorce. Of course, Dominic, Jean, and Anastasia were all behind her. The divorce wasn’t finally settled until three years later, by which time a lot happened to Dominic. In those three years, Dominic had surprisingly hit it off with someone unexpected. Her name was Chloe Elizabeth Desiree Jameson. They were paired as partners for the first US History assignment of the year. Of anyone that Dominic would end up with, he never expected it would be the Head Cheerleader of Miami Beach High School. She was beautiful, smart, sociable, liked by all, loved by more, and even envied by an equal amount. Every girl wanted to be her, and every guy that Dominic knew of wanted to be [I]with[/I] her. It didn’t make any sense for them to be together, and yet, by new years, they had shared a kiss; a kiss that Dominic initiated. It was so strange. Complete opposites they were, but somehow they fit together so perfectly. When asked about Chloe and how such an awesome woman could be with someone like him, Dominic usually shrugged. He didn’t know why either, but there was a part of him that always wondered why. He never stood out as the kind of guy that would be liked by the kind of girls that Chloe seemed to be like. She was pretty and he was average; she was sociable and he wasn’t. Everything about them couldn’t anymore opposite from each other, yet it worked. It more than worked out. If you look at how many dates they shared, including most dances of both their Junior and Senior years, including proms of both years, they obviously had something between them. Most of his insecurities would be gone by their Senior Prom as he saw her in that red prom dress that made him melt a little. Stupid he was for having those insecurities and stupid he was for thinking that she wouldn’t want to be with him. She stayed after getting to know his father and his new wife. If she could stick around after that, then maybe she was the one after all. And thus began their post-high school lives. With both of them going to the same college, they were bound to have time together, right? Nope. Dominic and Chloe would have to make sure they stuck to a plan of weekly dates. She had the study of Microbiology and Immunology, while Dominic kept to his strengths, and double majored in English Lit and Graphic Design. Somehow both were able to remain as close as they were in high school, especially when she got accepted into the Delta Gamma Sorority. Apparently she was a legacy member, which made Dominic fear the worst. Would she end up like her mother after all of that? Dominic didn’t want to think like that, but he couldn’t help it. As it turns out, Dominic was just being paranoid because the woman that he feel in love within high school was the same woman he graduated with. And when they both graduated, there was such an overwhelming feeling that came over Dominic. When he saw her in her gown, when he saw how utterly happy she was, Dominic had realized something. All of his insecurities that he had, all of those doubts that she was with the wrong man, all of those thoughts that he had that she might leave him for someone better had gone away. The one thing that he knew was that he loved her; and at their party, in front of all of their friends, in front of all of their family, in front of all of those that cared deeply about them, Dominic probably surprised everyone — including himself — by getting down on one knee, holding out his mother’s grandmother’s Diamond and White gold engagement ring. The only person that knew about this was Dominic’s mother, but that was mainly because she’s his best friend right next to Tish. Of course she said yes — well, right after she stopped crying — and he slipped it on her. When she said yes, there were cheers of happiness and support — well, except from Edith and Conrad. The former never approved of Dominic and the latter didn’t think it was anything to congratulate, not with his contempt he held for his son. Still, Dominic wouldn’t let it ruin his mood. Of course, it was much due in part that the look on Chloe’s face wouldn’t allow him to let his father ruin his big moment. Or rather, [I]their[/I] big moment. Only a year later would they become official, because within the next 365 days, Dominic and Chloe were to bed wed, and were to be husband and wife. [/indent] [center][hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/YHGkwGN.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/vsIGXY8.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/5uDWZw3.png[/img][/center] [color=deepskyblue][b]F A M I L Y[/b][/color] Polish-German | Cuban | Slovac-Russian [indent][url=http://i.imgur.com/NIQNRpa.gif]Conrad Tobias Wells | Father | 53 | Lawyer; Owner of the Wells-Smith Law Firm | Face Claim: Robert Downey Jr.[/url] Everyone knows Conrad as the giving, charible guy who always defends the weak. They know him as one-half of the Defense Dream Team on the East Side. They know him as the one guy to go to if you're in a tight bind, but they don't know the real COnrad Tobias Wells. They only know what he wants people to know. They don't know the cheating Conrad Wells; they don't know the lying Conrad Wells; they don't know the abusive, demeaning Conrad Wells.They don't know the Conrad Wells that has constantly belittled his own flesh and blood; they don't know the side of Conrad Wells ruined his family for a younger, hotter girl. The general public know nothing about the real Conrad Wells. [url=http://i.imgur.com/j6R96Pe.gif]Alison Lianna Smith-Wells | Stepmother | 29 | [s]Trophy Wife[/s] Finacial Accountant for Wells-Smith Law Firm | Face Claim: Amber Heard[/url] Not much to say about this one. She was the one that stole Conrad away from Dominic's mother. As far as everyone is concerned, she is public enemy number one. At least, that's what Yesenia says. [url=http://i.imgur.com/9vgdZa1.gif]Yesenia Constance Ramos| Mother |48 | Head of PR for the Wells-Smith Law Firm | Face Claim: Salma Hayek[/url] Strong-willed, passionate, loving to a fault, and above all, the heart of the Ramos name. She might still carry Conrad's last name, but someone like he will not let him control what she does. She still has her position at the firm despite what he did. As far as she's concerned, half of the firm is hers. According to what she has hinted at, Conrad understands that. He doesn't question what she says or anything. He simply pretends that nothing happened - well at least in the work place. To Dominic, she is everything to him. A momma's boy for sure. He loves his mother, his mami. He doesn't care who knows. His mother is his everything - well, right next to Chloe, that is. If anything were to happen, he woldn't know what to do. A bonus is that she absolutely loves Chloe. [url=http://i.imgur.com/4b2c3Zv.gif]Anastasia Iris Ramos| Younger Sister | 18 | College Student at the University of Flordia | Face Claim: Victoria Justice[/url] The feisty younger sister, Anastasia Iris "Ana" Ramos. Much like her mother and much like her father, Ana has a fire in her belly that could only be rivaled by the fires of hell. She says what she wants [i]when[/i] she wants to. All that comes from her mouth is unfiltered. It doesn't matter if it's dirty, blunt, or whatever. If Ana thinks it, most likely she's going to say it. When it comes to her future sister-in-law, she adores her, but is kind of baffled that someone like her actually stuck around after finding out the crazy, hot mess that her family is, she questions Chloe's sanity. Maybe Chloe's own is just as crazy. Oh well. Her loss, perhaps.[/indent] [color=deepskyblue][B]A N Y T H I N G E L S E[/B][/color] [indent]Movie-wise, I am definitely looking forward to Spider-Man: Homecoming[/indent] [/hider]