[@Burning Kitty][@Masterkeun][@supertinyking] [center][h2]Magnus the Red[/h2] District 2.[/center] Magnus detected a mocking tone in the human's voice, but ignored it. If the human thought being a king was too much to believe, then there was no way she would be able to handle learning what he really was. Regardless, he lead the small group closer to the city. The trees and barring plantlife of the wilderness turned out to be no obstruction, for as the Red King walked, branches snapped and bush was shredded or burned in his path without any apparent effort on his part. This made walking fairly easy for those behind him. They continued like this for about a mile before a strange and horrid sound cut through the air. The Red King halted in his flaming tracks and blinked several times as he heard it. "Wait... Could it be?" Magnus whispered to himself and looked around for the source of the noise. An anxiety rose up into his throat. He knew immediately what it was, because there was no mistaking the grinding barrage that was the sound of a chainsword. At least one of his enemies had tainted this world. The winged king suddenly stopped and seemed distraught by that strange sound. He grit his teeth and paced angrily for a moment, shaking his head. "Impossible... I must know!" Drawn off, he moved at triple speed, blasting through whatever was in his way with much less care toward the sounds of revving. The Spartans would have to run to keep up. Finally, the giant, red, winged sorcerer-king burst through the trees and into a clearing boarding the edge of the city. A few buildings stood unguarded, save for a murderous fellow in red robes between them with a chainweapon at full grind. The demonic creature stopped a short distance behind Luigi, beholding him with astonishment, disappointment, sadness... and unbridled rage.