Well, time to throw my bouquet of roses into the ring. Name: Kiriya Kujo Title: Kamen Rider Lazer Gender: Male Appearance: [url=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/kamenrider/images/3/39/Kiriya_Kujo.png/revision/latest?cb=20161101044118] Human form [/url] [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/kamenrider/images/a/a3/Lazer_tab.png/revision/latest?cb=20161023102808]Rider Form (Level 2)[/url] Personality: It's hard not to talk about Kiriya without bringing up his tendency to lie through his teeth, even when things would be better off if he had been telling the truth. He's also a bit of a sneaky guy and will resort to dirty tactics such as blackmail to get his way. When things get serious, he'll actually tell the truth, but if something causes people to assume he's just lying again, he'll just outright pretend that's the case, knowing they won't believe him if he defended himself. Ideals: Knowledge. He knows from experience what one can do with knowledge, especially when they know too much. This is why he lies. It's better to give false information than to tell people an awful truth. This is why blackmail is his preferred trait. People are desperate to let the knowledge be a secret. Biography: Kiriya is a coroner who lost his friend to suicide when he was told that he had a deadly virus that would kill him. This caused two things for Kiriya: one, his tendency to lie and two, his resolve to find out the cause of the virus. His search lead to him interrogating Dan Kuroto, the CEO of Gemn, a video game company. He bargained with him to keep silent on some recent information that pegged him to the cause of the virus, and in trade, he'd give him the means to fight the virus: a Gamer Driver and the Bakusou Bike Gashat... Unfortunately, Dan managed to screw Kiriya over by giving him a Gashat that makes him not a very good fighter, but rather a rather decent motorcycle... which, sadly, can't be able to fight viruses effectively. Regardless, Kiriya vowed to uncover the truth and stop the virus from claiming more lives. Powers: Kiriya can't do anything alone, but with the power of the Gamer Driver and the Basukou Bike, he is able to become Kamen Rider Lazer, the Bike Gamer. He has two phases: Level 1, which is, for all intents and purposes, a sturdy fighting humanoid form for him. Level 2 is his signature form, giving him more of a bike form. He can move at regular bike speeds, but without assistance (I.e. someone riding him), he can't move pretty far. Weapons: Kiriya has some weapons in the form of two guns mounted on his hands in Level 1 that become the wheels for his Level 2 form. The wheels allow him to drift in Level 1 and in Level 2, when combined with the Basukou Gashat, the rear wheel can create deadly thruster fire. Equipment: He has the Gamer Driver, a belt that allows him to use Gashats, game cartridges that give him data of a certain game, enabling him to transform into a Kamen Rider based around that game. In his case, Basukou Bike is a motorcross game where you can win by doing dirty tactics. Universe of Origin: Kamen Rider Ex-Aid