[color=90bbbb] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/SG6gwTc.jpg[/img] [sub][i]"They gave Pandora a box. Prometheus begged her not to open it. She opened it. Every evil to which human flesh is heir came out of it. The last thing to come out of the box was hope. It flew away."[/i] [color=fce0cd]~ Kurt Vonnegut, Timequake[/color][/sub][/center] [hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/S34xH5D.png[/img][hr][hr][indent][indent]You're sitting there, alone, huddled in a corner shaking with fear and terror, only slightly numbed by shock. Outside you can hear nothing but pure turmoil, the shrill screams of people being torn down in the streets to the rhythmic echoes of gunfire and pounding explosions. Hours earlier you were carefree, living in the city of splendor and going about your day. You were filled with hope, the war on your home soil was finally being won, life was good. Then, as if on the drop of a dime, everything fell to ruin. Every two out of three people fell to the ground, catatonic, a blackness creeping into their eyes and in veins that spider-webbed across their skin. You'd later know to call these people, these creatures, the Feral—but for now you sit there and listen as these things of nightmare rampage across the city. Destroying everything you've ever known, your loved ones, your friends, literally ripping your hopes and dreams from you. Hope is fleeting, as the chaos outside seems to pick up to a roaring cacophony of noise. The metallic door begins to screech, you look up, peering into the bleak shadows of night at the profusely bleeding hand trying to desperately to get at you. The body connected to the arm lets out a guttural roar, you've seen first hand what these things can do. How fast they are, how strong, how they hunt with reckless abandon-trampling and spilling over one another to get at their prey. It's time to move. As you head for the back, a disturbing though crosses your mind, one from earlier in the day. Watching from an alleyway as a horde of people.. no, they're not people anymore are they? A horde of these ferals, swarm down the street as a man perched atop a bus guns them down in the dozens. They keep getting back up, uncaring of their wounds, only truly stopped by being shot in the head, or at least crippled. But what's truly frightening was their speed, their carelessness. They were sprinting towards the bus, leaping and smashing into it, the force of all these bodies pile-driving those before them until the bus began to tip, and finally rolled over. That thought scares you, a fear that settles deep into your bones. Yet, somehow, there's a deeper feeling sinking inside of you. A dark pit resonating from within you, because you know... It's only going to get worse from here. As you dwell on this thought, you can feel something stirring deep within you. Some sort of resonation of change, of power.[/indent][/indent] [hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/6n7rkNb.png[/img][hr][hr][indent][indent]Garden of Shadows is a unique take on a viral, apocalyptic roleplay. The monsters are bigger, and meaner; Our characters powerful, and unique. The events to come, extraordinary and terrible. I've collected my favorite elements from a wide range of movies, games, and stories and compiled them all here. With superpowers comes odd, twisted mutation. With change, comes resistance, prejudice. With hate, violence, and the inevitable struggle to survive. All set in a world that will do it's absolute best to swallow your character into the darkness, to break them physically and mentally. A world that is shaped by your decisions, and ultimately, your goals. The roleplay centers around a select group of people, affected by the Pandora Virus in such a way that they become something inhuman, something powerful—The Changed. A higher ascension of existence, our characters now have to struggle with their new powers, the social discrimination, and the cruelty of the world. How they approach their new found talents will shape the world, for better or for worse. Some may sympathize with The Pure, humans who are either unaffected, or have yet to be, by the virus. In addition to this, over the course of the roleplay our characters will deal with survival against the Feral, The Nightmare, and The Twisted. The characters still very much require food, and water, and so do their followers if they have any. Settlements will need to find a way to benefit from others, through mutual alliance, or force. The world will also be subject to, what will at first seem like, paranormal events. However, there is a reason for everything, a root cause to all problems. Finding out those answers are also up to you. However, in all of this, there is a goal. A driving plot, surrounding P̸͜͏͞r̨̡̛̛͞ǫ̸̀̕͟j̢̢̧͢͡ȩ̵c̵͘t̵͟͟ ̧F̛͡i̸r̸s̸͞t̡̡͜͝ ̷͟͜͞Ç͜h͟҉҉̴a̧̛͠ò̧s͘̕҉ . Sorry, I meant P̵̡̢r̴̛͡o̷j̸́e̵͟͜ç̶̕t̨ ̡͟F̀͜i̸̷r̵̕sţ ̷͜͜C̴h̨͟a͘͠o̴̴̧ś͠. Dammit. Anyways, that, and its subjects. How does this relate to what's happening the world now? Will it explain your powers? The Feral? The anomalic events? Will it explain why the sun set, on that first day, and never rose again? The final piece of revelation I have for you is that the world is shrouded in darkness. After that first day, the sun didn't rise again. Instead, in its place loomed roiling banks of dark clouds. A perpetual brewing storm in abyssal shades of black and gray, filtering out nearly all of the light. Fortunately, the power plant is secure and the municipal lights are on. Sure, they may kill your night vision at times, but it's better than the eerie darkness that lays over everything right? However, the world is dark, but it's not pitch black, and with streetlights on, it's not so bad right now.[/indent][/indent] [hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/H91qCue.png[/img][hr][hr][center][sub][color=fce0cd]Blood Type:[/color] [i]O-Positive & A-Positive[/i][/sub][/center] [indent][indent]Creatures of this sort have been depicted in many different ways, but the Feral are something different, yet familiar. They're fast, always sprinting with their heads bent low into the wind. They don't tire, they don't ache, they just run without care. They are strong enough to tear through the walls of a house, or rip down that metal screen door you always tried not to slam. However, the feral can't see well, so they're mostly attracted to noise. If you're being blatantly obvious, they will see you, so remember to stick to the shadows. Interestingly enough, the feral don't seem particularly smart. They don't seem to grasp the concepts of navigation, rather seeing the path to their target as a straight line. They are wild, and become frenzied during the chase to the point where they will tumble and run over one another, or continually smash themselves into something until they a certain they've lost the hunt, or their obstacle is moved. Hordes of them can topple a bus, by continually throwing themselves against it. Together they could smash through a brick wall, or even scale several stories by climbing the gathering pile of their brethren. The Feral are characterized with dark eyes almost entirely the color of coal. Their pale skin is spider-webbed with black veins, but otherwise they still resemble the people they once were. The feral also have near perfect regeneration, able to come back from any wound within about a day, less for minor wounds. You can slow them down by crippling them, but the only way to truly stop them is the same, classic strategies—destroy the brain or spinal column. [/indent][/indent] [hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/fcADF3C.png[/img][hr][hr][center][sub][color=fce0cd]Blood Type:[/color] [i]B-Negative[/i] (Somatic Abilities) [color=fce0cd]Blood Type:[/color] [i]AB-Positive[/i] (Kinetic Abilities)[/sub][/center] [indent][indent]There are two types of changed, the kinetic, and the somatic. Those that deal with the forces, or essences of nature, natural or not; or those that are affected physically or mentally. The lucky individuals to become changed, instead of something worse, have the unfortunate side-effect of mutation. These mutations always come in colors schemes relating to what the mutation provides and in typically darker hues, most notably black, with vibrant details or trimmings. Almost the same way how natural predators are marked, such as how a deadly black snake will have bright markings to visually warn potential predators of how dangerous it is. Those with kinetic powers of manipulation can feature neon colors in the form of glowing energy. For example, a changed that can generate an acidic coating on their skin may be covered in glowing bubbles of flesh, like blisters, that glow a vibrant green. One who could generate blasts of lightning may have their back and the outsides of their arms covered in black spikes, that gather the electrical energy in the air. Perhaps while doing this, bright blue arcs jump between the spikes, like a "Jacob's Ladder" electrical device. The Somatic however, have enhanced physical capabilities, senses, or mentality. A changed of great strength may have their arms covered in a thick, black chitin acting like armor. One that could run at accelerated speeds may have strategic, aerodynamic fins and so forth. It will be up to you to create these creepy, otherworldly mutations. The Changed are not an instant genetic bomb like the Feral. These powers could take some time to manifest, the mutations wouldn't be so virulent as to cover their entire body. For the most part, The Changed still look like people, if a bit different and terrifying. The Changed will face trials in dealing with, and learning to control their new powers. Elemental or manipulation, also known as Kinetic, powers may only work sporadically, where a somatic may find their stamina depletes rapidly. And always, as the world turns, so do people fear change and the unknown. However, The Changed are affected in a somewhat small, but still similar way as the Feral are. That being, The Changed have minor powers of regeneration. Superficial wounds (scratches, cuts, bruises) will heal within the hour and minor wounds (deeper cuts, punctures, muscular tears and rips) after a few hours. Major wounds (broken bones, even brain damage) , depending on severity, will heal in about a day provided The Changed can live through them. Life threatening wounds will need to be properly tended as it's very possible the changed could die before they are able to heal. More importantly, the changed can transplant uninfected limbs, organs, and so forth. This means that the donor would have to be a pure, willing or not, as the Pandora Virus in the changed will genetically recode the transplanted item to what it remembers from the initial infection. This means that scars, disabilities, or other symptoms will remain a constant even with a transplant, as it will literally be as if whatever was transplanted was never lost in the first place. This includes skin pigmentation, birth marks, muscle definition, tan lines, and so forth. However, this genetic recoding does not override the mutative aspect of the changed, and will instead restore, in example, a limb back to the last mutative state. [/indent][/indent] [hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/gtoBSkl.png[/img][hr][hr][indent][indent]In this land of violence and despair, it's not unlikely that you'll eventually encounter other beings. A volatile thing, the Pandora Virus is bound to have plenty of offshoots of hard-coded, and variable strains. It's predicted that entire species of animals can fall prey to these mutations. You'll encounter people similar to the changed, but pushed beyond their humanity—The Twisted. At other times, things of nightmare will stalk you throughout the endless night, creatures so fearsome and terrible that it may not be worth the trouble to fight them. Then there's the Protogenoi, so little is known about them. Are they like the Changed? The Twisted? Are they people of nightmare, or gods among men? Are they the scientists, or unfortunate subjects? And most importantly, are they to blame? What about the uninfected, unaffected humans—The Pure? Are they truly immune, or just safe for now? Is there a way to prevent that, and keep them genetically pure? Or are you looking for a way to ensure everybody is changed, one way or another, for better or for worse?[/indent][/indent] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/oDHZL0n.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/ST6pKaK.png[/img][hr][hr][indent][indent][i]"It's another day survivors, or is it? … Anyways, I've been keeping tabs on things around here and it looks like things have started to stabilize.. Though I still can’t find anyone who wants to drive a garbage truck, some apocalypse huh? I’ve checked up on what information we have here on the boards, things are bad, but we'll manage right? Stay bright survivors."[/i] -Since Day One, R. [hider=Blog Post] Y'know, I never thought I'd be caught in something like this. Like everyone else on the internet, I'd say "I could totally live in a post-apocalyptic world".. And you know what? I fucking am. Right here. Right now. Of course, if you're reading this, you're obviously not dead and not feral. Good on you! So. You must be wondering, "Who the hell is this guy and why should I continue following this blog?" Well.. Technically you don't need to continue reading or following the blog, but I can assure you that you need me more than you know it. I say this because I most likely know a lot more than you and I always will, so keep your eyes peeled and I'll let you in on most of the shit that I find out. Also I run this website. Anyway, now is a wonderful time to regale you with my first day of the outbreak. Like everyone else in this era, I was busy having fun trailing information about literally everything that's illegal and legal. As the saying goes "Knowledge is power", and if you have the ability to find and take whatever information you want, I'd say that you'd become pretty powerful. I've scooped up a lot of dirt on a lot of important people and most of it makes me laugh. The kinds of people that run things are really something. Alright, back on track.. When the outbreak started, everything went to shit. From the stats I gathered, 2 out of 3 people started going insane. Turning into some Feral person and killing everyone around them. Aptly, people called them "The Feral". They're pretty easy to spot because they don't act like people and their eyes are completely black.. Also they're skin is all cracked up looking and oozing with black shit, otherwise they look like a person to some extent. So there's a little titbit for you budding explorers of the wasteland. First thing I had to do when all this shit started was find a good place to hide without getting attacked by a Feral, which was difficult at first. I gotta say, I fucking hate cardio, but hearing the screams of terrified people is pretty high up on the list too. Can't blame them though. People were getting pounced on and eaten. I felt pretty sick seeing that, now I'm feeling sick again because I remembered it. They were fucking everywhere, at the time I wouldn't have been surprised if literally everyone on the planet was infected. I'm still not surprised. But, the interesting part was that some people weren't affected by whatever was going around, including me. Thank fuck for that. Anyway, to cut a nice short story shorter. I've found myself a cozy place to stay, away from everyone else. "Where is that?" you ask? Well I'm sure as hell not telling you. What I do and how I do it isn't what you should be concerned about. You just worry about yourself for now and I'll give you some help along the way. Fun fact: If you have to fight a Feral, just blow it's head off with something and it'll die. Just like in the movies. Cliche, I know, but you'll just have to make do with how 'creative' this virus is. If it's anything like the movies, you could also destroy it's spinal cord. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm not really bothered going out and trying it. I'm sure it'll work. Welcome to SURVIVOR, you're a fellow survivor, congrats!. Be sure to put yourself first or you'll get fucked over pretty hard. Also follow this blog, it'll make your life easier. Trust me. -The_Savant [/hider] [/indent][/indent] [hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/p4GGWrn.png[/img][hr][hr][center][sub][url=http://i.imgur.com/JuRYbgt.png]Rail Map[/url] | [url=http://i.imgur.com/jg6kwXv.png]Subway Map[/url] | [url=http://i.imgur.com/uihpOaL.jpg]Road Map[/url] | [url=http://i.imgur.com/iganIeH.jpg]Settlement Map[/url][/sub][/center] [indent][indent][hider=Alternate U.S. History]A list of key events in chronological order until the present year.[indent][indent][color=fce0cd]» 1664[/color] [indent]New Amsterdam, a Dutch territory on the eastern seaboard of North America is seized by English forces and renamed to New York in honor of the Duke of York.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 1775[/color] [indent]American Revolution: The War of Independence is fought between Great Britain and the 13 British Colonies on the eastern seaboard of North America.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 1776[/color] [indent]Continental Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia. New York is renamed to New Windsor, symbolizing the 13 Colonies’ seat of power following the idea of Governance by the people, for the people. The town of New York is thusly titled Windsor.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 1778[/color] [indent]The American colonies form a treaty with the Native Indians, who join the war against Great Britain.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 1781[/color] [indent]British General Charles Cornwallis surrenders to General George Washington and Cherokee Chieftain “Dragging Canoe” at Yorktown, VA.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 1783[/color] [indent]Great Britain formally acknowledges American independence in the Treaty of Paris, which officially brings the war to a close.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 1789[/color] [indent]George Washington is unanimously elected president of the United States in a vote by state electors. U.S Constitution goes into effect, having been ratified by nine states. U.S Congress meets for the first time at Federal Hall in Windsor City. Washington is inaugurated as president at Federal Hall in Windsor City. “Dragging Canoe”, Chieftain of the Cherokee Tribe, serves as Washington’s vice president.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 1791[/color] [indent]First ten amendments to the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights, are ratified.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 1793[/color] [indent]Washington’s second inauguration is held in Windsor City, “Dragging Canoe” steps down and John Adams serves as the vice president for Washington’s second term.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 1800[/color] [indent]The U.S capital remains in Windsor City.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 1838[/color] [indent]President Andrew Jackson signs a pact with the Cherokee Chieftain John Ross, Also known as “Little White Bird”, ensuring lasting peace and prosperity between the Americans and Indians.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 1876[/color] [indent]“Sitting Bull”, Chieftain of the Sioux Indians, signs a treaty of peace with President Ulysses S. Grant and “Old Tassel”, Chieftain of the Cherokee.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 1886[/color] [indent]Statue of Justice is constructed in Windsor, on Justice Island, with the help of the Cherokee and Sioux Indians.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 1917[/color] [indent]U.S enters World War I, declaring war on Germany and Austria-Hungary.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 1918[/color] [indent]Russian forces sweep through Germany, effectively ending the war and ceding Germany and Austria-Hungary into Russian territory.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 1919[/color] [indent]League of Nations meets for the first time; The U.S is represented.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 1939[/color] [indent]Adolf Hitler becomes a federal minister of the Russian Federation.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 1945[/color] [indent]League of Nations becomes the United Nations.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 1950[/color] [indent]Cold War Conflict between Communist and non-Communist forces on Korean Peninsula begins, U.S does not intervene. North and South Korea are assimilated into Chinese territory.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 1991[/color] [indent]Tensions rise between the Russian and Chinese powers as demands for raw resources increases. Tensions rise further as a small civil land dispute between Russian and Chinese administration ends with shots fired, neither party admits to shooting first.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 2014[/color] [indent]The Red War begins between Russian and Chinese forces. The UN chooses to stay neutral as they investigate what sparked the war, but urgues for a cease fire. Russian forces march into Chinese territory.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 2015[/color] [indent]UN continues to remain neutral as the war spills out across Chinese borders and into the middle east. UN threatens action against both countries if battles continue in neutral countries. U.S is urged into action, being a leading world power, but remains neural. European forces take action against Chinese and Russian forces skirmishing in neutral territory, and World War III begins.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 2017[/color] [indent]U.S joins the war, supporting their UN allies against Russian and Chinese forces. UN forces push through the war torn Middle East supported by African forces deploying from Northern Africa. Chinese forces continually harry UN supply lines, keeping UN forces undersupplied and hungry. A conflict begins between American and Central European forces over supplies and ends with dead on both sides.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 2019[/color] [indent]U.S recedes from the UN, unhappy with their decisions and accusing safeguarding their own resources and manpower while American lives are wasted. A four way war begins between UN backed European Union, The Russian Federation, The Republic of China, and The United States.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 2020[/color] [indent]U.S is pushed out of the war and forced back across the ocean. Russian forces hit the western seaboard of North America.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 2021[/color] [indent]Russian Missiles strike U.S soil, decimating much of the western seaboard and sending refugees flooding east. Canadian and Mexican forces continue fighting Russian troops. Russia declares the western seaboard of North America as part of Russian Territory, laying claim to California, Oregon, Washington and the inland states of Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Idaho, and Montana.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 2022[/color] [indent]U.S forces carry out Operation Black Swallow, deploying an experimental tactical unit created by the Center of Scientific Research. Operation Black Swallow is a massive success, and quickly shatters the Russian war front.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 2023[/color] [indent]Rumors about a scientific research project, “Project First Chaos”, surfaces. Activists claim the project employs inhumane acts against humans. More devout accusers claim that the CoSR is attempting to play god. Riots begin across the eastern seaboard of North America in protest to Pr͟ojec̸t F͡ir͝s͜t͢ ̀Ch́ao͡s̨. The Russians are pushed back to the edge of the west coast.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 2024[/color] [indent]The Russian’s retreat across the Pacific Ocean. Operation Black Swallow is deemed an undeniable success. Violent protests against P̵̡̢r̴̛͡o̷j̸́e̵͟͜ç̶̕t̨ ̡͟F̀͜i̸̷r̵̕sţ ̷͜͜C̴h̨͟a͘͠o̴̴̧ś͠ continue as U.S troops are recalled from the war front. Martial law is declared in New Windsor, New Jersey, Virginia, and Florida.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 2025[/color] [indent]The U.S is on the cusp of Civil War, while war rages across the eastern continents. Questions arise internationally about Operation Black Swallow, and the rumored P̸͜͏͞r̨̡̛̛͞ǫ̸̀̕͟j̢̢̧͢͡ȩ̵c̵͘t̵͟͟ ̧F̛͡i̸r̸s̸͞t̡̡͜͝ ̷͟͜͞Ç͜h͟҉҉̴a̧̛͠ò̧s͘̕҉. Viral videos surface online, detailing mysterious events during Operation Black Swallow. The Center of Scientific Research is overran by rioters, and falls victim to Arson.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» 2026[/color] [indent]Strange events begin occurring around the same time an airborne pathogen is discovered. A whistleblower admits to conducting unnatural, weird science within the CoSR, but quickly succumbs to madness and violence. World War III ends as roughly half of the world's population succumbs to a unique strain of the pathogen. The pati̧̢̜̠̞̞̝̥̥͕͘ps̶̵̛̥̫͚̪̠̯͉͕̰̹̯͍̼͓̘̱̯̥̯͜͢umdo҉l͞o͞r͠ ̡ si͡ta͠m̸eţ,́ ͠c̴o͘n͟s̢ecţetu̷r̀d͝ip͡i̴s͞cin҉g̴ ̶ l̴i̡t͝.N̴̛u͟҉l͠͠҉là̕m ͝ t̨͢͞ȩmp̀͜o͘r̷̷, ̀ ş͢͝è̷͞m ̡e҉͢͜ć ̨i̡n̴͏͏te҉ŗ̛͏d͢u̵͝m͡͞҉ ̶d̕̕͟i̛͏g̀͟n̢̢i̛͘̕s̡͠s͟͝i̢͏m, ͞͝n̢i̕b́͟҉h͜ ̷ú̸r̡̡͡n҉̕a͟͟ ͡èf̨̕͡fi̷c̸̢ì҉̷tu̢͢r̸͡ ̧n͏̛eq̵͡͏ue̴t͏̴̡͞ ̴̡͞d̵̢̢͜͠i̡͏̴̧͡c̷̸t̷̛u̧m̷͝ ̵m̴͏à͢͠g̷͠n̢̢͢a͢͟͝͏̶ ̸̴á̕͘n҉̛͘ţ̴̕e̵͡ ̡̢̛͟i̢҉͠d̢̀͝͡͞ ̧̢́͜p̷̴͟͡u͜͏r̷̶͘͠u̷͜s̷̸̀͟.̛̕̕ ҉͡ ̲̭̘̘̀Q̖̘̭͢͡͡u̱̺̱̻̙͚̱i̡͍͈s̰͕̦͙̫̳͎q̴͎̩̠̺̲̬̺͡u̶̩̙̦̖̜̕e̱̩̼̫ ̷͓̜͉̘̟͎s̡̭͡ò̩̬̦̰͉̗l̛̗͔̟̰͖̭̬͟͞l̼̠͕̙̥͉͟͝ͅį͙͔̮̠ͅc͖̰̗̪̬͞͞ͅí̸̧̙̺t͎͉͉u̼̼͖̝̹̼̙͢͡d̫͔͔̳̫̫̙͢ͅi̷̖̲̱͔̞͖͜ͅṇ͕͖̥̖ ͖̺͖͕ą̬̹̠̠̣̱n͈͖t̠͙̟̬̼̝͓e͚̯̩̘͇͖̮͙̣ ͓̲͙̭͖̫ͅi̜̫n͚̥̙͟ ̶̴̦̝͎͉̘͇͘ͅi̷̡̩̝̥̹͎̞̙̗a̲̼̺c̵͖̭̣̳̭̤͚̰̕͡u̻̘̱̱l͔̜͙̝i̵͖̕͞s͏̼̟̠̹̭͘ ̧̦͜v̕҉̞͚̫̠̖̞͎̜̠e̷̝͔̭n̴̢͚͠e̮̘̫̘͞n̺̭͎͚͍̞̩̤á͕̜̙̀͜t̛̝̹͍̝́͝i̛̱͓̠̯͍̯͚͉͜ͅs̰͉͘.͙̪͚͚͎̲̠̀͞ ᐜᏨ̥͎̻͚͓╞̖͇̙͖͇̭֘ͅ͏͉ᗛ̶̮̤̭ᦉ҉̜̲͚͍⒕͙̙̜͓͓ἧ͔̩̣͚̫೯̮ᶷ̧͚͖͔͇ͅ˷̺̳͇͜⊶̖̦͘᱖̠̮͖̗̹᠅̧Ἃ͍ႜ̖͙̯̯͈͉ƶ҉͖ᅏ̙ ̮̣̘ ͍̜̮̺̕ ̥́ ̴͇͕̳̰ᾢ̶͈̦ሗ̤̤̜̙╛̛̘̟̞̩̫͚ᦡ̗Ꮄ͏͖̲͍͖̝ᙽ̱͚̗̩͙͜܆̵̗̮̯໘̷̦ ̵̪͓̠̰̘̰ᓋ ̛̤̯̻̼͖ሳ̸ߜ̗̻F̸̣͈̣̠̼̣͙̠̹̭̭̖͓̩͕́͡ͅͅé͖͇͎̟͎͎̜̱̳̰̯̬̠̕͝͝r̛̯̝̟̘͎̙̳̼̬̀͘͝ͅኺ̹̙͈̼͝ᵲҴ̟̻᠃̵ ̮͉̼͚͞ͅ☶̫̰̙̜〉̘̲̺͙͈̬͇ڀ̼̦̞͙̯̗͖Ƚ̠͓̤̠ᘓ̣̯̝̥ͅዿ̗̬♭̴̸̺͖̟̰̟͔̩̙ͅᛙ̢̨̠̗ͅ⁚̴̮͉̻̥ӯ̴̨̙̬̝̠̯͘ọ̷̮̙̼̱̼̤͚̇̄́ᖄ̖̯̞͉̱̬ỷ͍̰֪̞̲͢ ̮̤P̶͉͕͍͙͈̝̣͜͡r͏̶͏̴̺̰͓̟̟̮̟̘o̸͏̷͇̝̙̹̗̠͖̺͞ͅj̶͈̙̦͉̫̥̳͔̖͎̥̕͟͝e̵̶̘͕̮̲̥͍͎͚͘ͅc̨͏̵̠̮̝̯͈̙̠̱̝̖͚̝̜͚̳͖͖ṱ̨̦͚͔̭̲̰̘͇̩̯̺̖͘͢ͅ ̢̦̜̖͍̦̺̝̬̦͓̣̳́͡F̶̧͎̭͓̰̩̤̙̻͙̹͍͓i̧̢̜̠̞̞̝̥̥͕͘r͜҉̲̦̻̻͍͎̪͉̼͍̮̖̪̤͙̣̙͜s̶̵̛̥̫͚̪̠̯͉͕̰̹̯͍̼͓̘̱̯̥̯͜͢t҉̶͘͏̥̼̖͔͍͕͈̞̯̘̯͈̺͠ ̵̢̛̭̥̹̼̣̺͠C̶̡̡̞͚͍͍͎̱̘͟͢h̢͔̯̟̖̘̦̦͇͕̯̝̀a̵̻̟͇̣̹̫̥̜̥͉͕̝̣̺̗̘̜͔͜͜͡ͅo̵̴͍̩̗̦̻̺̮͚̘̟̝̠̯̙͘͢͞s̴̢̭̞͚̙̲̲̩̪͝ͅ⎄̢̞͢͠ͅ␏̢̪̗̟̰̪͕̬͜ఒ̫͠ռ̸̨̛̺̩Œ̴̫̳̱͚͍̞̞͠ ͏̯͎ ̷̸̱̫͡ ̷̛̰̝̪̺͉̤Ế̴̶͉̩̺͍̠̹ἤ̶̺̙̼͔̫մ̫͔̠ዂ̦͚̪͙̟͉̰̳̩͠ú̶͕̮̳̯ᤛ̳͍̫͞ಢ̸̲̝͚̠̜̻͢⌇̵̴͍̞̫̳̝͚֕˛̧̪՟̻͢¶̗̼ͅᖡ̘̱̘͙̻̹̀Ꮰ̛̰̞̠̦᧴̞̦̰͈͇ͅᏺ̴̮͖̰̰̻̱̤ᨎ̷̥͓̙̯̦͙ᓮ̰̟̟̲̕␊̰͇╗̛ ̺͖̺ѩщ͕̱̩̻͡Ξ̦≳̗̯᧕̶☜̛̺̙̲̳̝̤̲͖͈̺᷃́௦̼‡͙̦̼͢ͅ≩̤̳̯̦ᐹ̨͓͖̳͎͙̗͉┇͉̤̦̫̺̲–̴ [center][sup][color=d84226][ Arc͍̜̼hiv̻͈̗̱̦͟e ̸̰̮͎ͅErro͖̮͇̖̦̤̣r ][/color][/sup][/center][/indent][/indent][/indent][/hider] [color=fce0cd]» Water — GOOD:[/color] A crew of tunnel workers has secured the plant. Remember to write them a card. [color=fce0cd]» Power — GOOD:[/color] Rumor has it the plant has been secured by a couple work crews. [color=fce0cd]» Gas — OFF:[/color] I was more of a grill guy anyways, start collecting those burnables people. [color=fce0cd]» Sewage — OFF:[/color] Where is it all going? [color=fce0cd]» Health Services — AVAILABLE:[/color] They’re around but they’re not cheap and probably hard to get to if you have to read this to find one. Good luck. [hider=The Bronx] [indent][indent][color=fce0cd]» Bronx Hydro & Garden | Sector Br1 - Bruckner Blvd:[/color] [indent]There’s a small team of dedicated growers here who have converted this do-it-yourself growing store into a small farm operation. They don’t have a lot of space for people like us, but they are willing to trade. Hydroponics are going to be the wave of the future, you heard it here first folks.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» Sky Vegetables | Sector Br3 - Tinton Ave:[/color] [indent]Not a bad place to set up shop for these few lucky folks. Sky Vegetables is a hydroponics greenhouse set on top of an apartment block. Has a lot of people, and grows a bunch of food. They’re even open for trading supplies. I wonder how they keep those ferals from seeing the grow lights? Hope they got thick boards over those windows.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» Fordham University | Sector Br6 - E Fordham Rd:[/color] [indent]Spanning two city blocks, this collection of education orientated buildings is now home to several hundred survivors who have managed to bunker down. They’ve got a wall made up of just about everything not nailed down surrounding the Martyrs’ Court and Lawn, looks like a damn refugee camp… I guess it is huh.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» James J. Peters VA Medical Center | Sector Br7 - W Kingsbridge Rd:[/color] [indent]Eyewitnesses say that the doctors are holed up and will offer treatment for supplies, but in today’s currencies the price is high. It seems that whoever is running the show is very reluctant to admit new patients to the hospital, but I guess there have been some outside admittance. I wonder how much they had to give up to get in?[/indent][color=fce0cd]» High Island | Sector Br10 - E of City Island:[/color] [indent]A very secluded island off the coast off of City Island, I’ve heard reports that the handful of families living here have food. Like an actual growing operation. I wouldn’t expect any free pickings though, there’s only one way onto the island via small bridge, and I’m talking like two cars wide. End of the bridge is capped off with a big ‘ol barricade with a trade window of sorts, and a good old fashioned sniper tower. Still, at least they have enough to trade right?[/indent][color=fce0cd]» Fort Schuyler | Sector Br10 - Pennyfield Avenue:[/color] [indent]Talk about lucky, these guys tagged and bagged themselves a literal fortress. Nobody is really sure who is living there, or how many. The doors are closed, the lights are out, and it looks like they’re planning to keep it that way. Though, I guess a few of you have seen scavengers heading to, and from that way, so somebody must be alive in there.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» Bronx Urgent Care | Sector Br10 - Westchester Ave:[/color] [indent]I guess these guys were fortunate enough to close their doors when they saw people going crazy in the streets. Good news is they’re still alive and kicking and helping who they can. I shouldn’t have to say this by now, but I will anyways, Medicine is up for trade only. No Handouts. In fact, I think somebody posted a picture of a sign saying just that.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» Home Depot | Sector Br11 - E Gun Hill Road:[/color] [indent]I guess this place got locked down early and there’s a small community living inside those thick iron gates and concrete walls. They’re doing their best to help everybody but they’re not giving out medicine for free, though being in a hardware superstore probably has its perks. I bet their sinks look fantastic.[/indent][/indent][/indent][/hider][hider=Manhattan][indent][indent] [color=fce0cd]» Governors Island | Sector M1 - Upper Bays:[/color][indent]Last I heard there were some three or four thousand people living in this cozy little suburbia. I guess the citizens there banded together and swept the island clean, and now they have a nice little mayoral system run by the guy who formed the first group. I went there once, to see Fort Jay, looked like a homely place. I heard they’ve been taking people in, as long as you’re willing to provide for the whole. Rumor has it if you put up a light in the Staten Island Ferry building, facing the water, somebody will come by eventually. Though as of right now, the ferry building itself looks to be in bad shape, maybe somebody will fix it up one of these days.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» American Museum of Natural History | Sector M7 - Central Park West:[/color][indent]With an underground labyrinth of vaults and secure lockups, this historical building has become a bustling home of residence. Who knows what civil war weapons these guys will dig up.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» Shorac Kappock | Sector M12 - W 212th St:[/color][indent]I had a niece that went here, it’s cool to see somebody found a use for it. It’s a small school nestled in the middle of a city block, I think like preschool to fifth grade. Anyways, buncha teachers and their kids are still here, trying to make the best of everything. I think I heard about a few mechanics from the trainyard being there too, so at least they got some muscle. It’s become something of an adoption zone, they won’t take you unless they need you, but kids are welcome at least until they’re sixteen, or so I heard. Part of the updated curriculum, they won’t take anybody past that. However, you can stop there for a rest, it’s a good way-stop. An entrance to the red line is around the corner on the south eastern side of the same block, and opposite that is one for the blue line.[/indent] [/indent][/indent][/hider][hider=Queens][indent][indent] [color=fce0cd]» Rikers Island | Sector Q1 - East River:[/color][indent]The infamous prison island has been pretty quiet since everything went down. The single bridge leading into the island has been attempted by several people, and their corpses are probably still there. I haven’t heard of any attempts at landing by water but I think people get the idea, getting too close gets you shot. Even if you could get close enough I heard they built a pretty badass gate at their side of the bridge, with towers and everything. Vehicles are seen coming in and out every so often, but I imagine they have a pretty large stock of prison gruel. I wonder if it's the prisoners who run the island now. At any rate, they seem like an unfriendly bunch.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» Queens Center Mall | Sector Q4 - Queens Blvd:[/color][indent]Ah, Apocalypse classic here, and with loads of people safe and secure behind its walls. The mall is a two part center, split down the middle by a little road. The two pieces are connected, on side with a second level skywalk, and the other connecting the parking garages with two double-decker ramps (That’s four in total folks). I imagine it must have been a challenge, but they did it and the only ways in or out is through the western garage. They started putting up walls so people could erect little shacks through the garages without the ferals getting attracted to the light (People say it’s eerily quiet, even with all those people there) The eastern garage itself is sealed off and only accessible from the mall itself, or the western garage. And boy, there are loads of people here, just packed in wall to wall, how do they feed them all?[/indent][color=fce0cd]» Target| Sector Q7 - 20th Ave:[/color][indent]Really gotta thank building designers for another mass produced by product of American beauty. With only a few windows, this superstore wasn’t too hard to fortify. It’s got good sight lines, having a massive parking lot at one end and a park at the other. They’ve also expanded into the connecting stores, P.C Richard and Son, A Verizon Wireless, and the Wholesale Wine store, giving them a good area. Though most of the place is heavily boarded up, as we all know those Ferals can be quite strong, there are two ways in (guarded of course) through the main Target doors, and the Wholesale Wine entrance.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» St. Mary Gate of Heaven Church | Sector Q9 - 101 Ave:[/color][indent]A place of devout worship turned refuge, it’s not surprising to see a church on this list. Unfortunately the people here do not have much more than their faith, thick walls, and boarded up windows. Scavenge teams come and go every so often, and there’s even a few cops living there to protect the more, non-violent residents.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» St. Mary’s Hospital | Sector Q11 - 216 St:[/color][indent]There have been posts that there are some real good people holed up here. It’s not quite a place to settle but they’ll help keep you alive and on your feet until you can make it to a more permanent home. But man, I really hate seeing all the sick kids. Kids get free treatment if the doctors are able to give it, they’ll take donations for it though without too much hassle. Adults have to find someway to pay for it, and carry the burden of knowing you’re probably depriving some sick child of their medicine. There’s some rumors about teams of scavengers hanging around the area though, donating supplies so they’re not too bad off. Everything is a struggle but at least those kids get to eat.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» Francis Lewis High School | Sector Q11 - Utopia Pkwy:[/color][indent]One of those upper scale public schools, the kind with stepped up campus security and metal detectors, so it’s not hard to believe this place got locked down quick. Teachers and Security, along with the City’s Board of Education, do a good job of running the place but managing all those teenagers can’t be easy. Guess they’re offering to teach people how to survive, got some home grown survivalists in there running the new and improved crash courses in apocalyptic survival, among general studies of course. Things seem alright there, and I heard the survival guys helped them set up some sort of hydroponics with scavenged supplies and the school’s sprinkler system.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» Garden World | Sector Q11 - 47th:[/color][indent]A gardening supply superstore, Garden World basically looks like a big barn, with three smaller barn like structures off to one side. Set at the back, down a little road, in this shopping area, I can see why it would be an ideal place, two doors and one garage like shutter make it easy to hide in. Couple of the old employees and whatever family they could salvage have residency here. They’re not taking in strays, but they are trading food, so there’s that, and from the reports they have a good bit of it.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» JFK International Airport | Sector Q13 - Terminal Building #4:[/color][indent]Tell me you’re not surprised to see this here, all those disaster movies am I right? Fortunate enough for these folks a plane chalked full of boys from the Marine Corps was in the area during the time of societal collapse. They’ve really locked this place down and I’ve heard they have a sweet arsenal, and even some heavy vehicles too. Honestly I might think about leaving my hole and heading there, heard they mow down ferals like grass and that sounds downright awesome.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» Rite Aid| Sector Q13 - Linden Blvd:[/color][indent]A rather large pharmaceutical building, it’s got everything from over the counter drugs to prescription strength antibiotics and narcotics. I guess there’s only a few people in there and nobody has seen anyone come in or out. They guard their supplies jealously and charge some hefty prices, though they’re more lenient if you offer food. I guess looters tried their hand at getting in, but those walls are thick and the security features are always on, and very reinforced. I bet the biggest, meanest feral couldn’t get in there.[/indent][/indent][/indent][/hider][hider=Brooklyn] [indent][indent][color=fce0cd]» Costco Wholesale | Sector Bl7 - Third Ave:[/color][indent]Nothing better than a Costco, the shopper’s fortress of bulk items. This place is nice and secure right off the bat, pretty sure they just closed the doors. Despite their impressive supply of bulk items, including some massive refrigeration areas that I but run decent enough off of emergency power, a steady flow of people come and go from there, collecting supplies from the surrounding area. Can never have too much stuff right? Not sure how much room they got, but I’ve heard of some pretty fair bargains. Best part is, the Ferals can’t get in without a membership. Ha ha ha.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» MCU Park | Sector Bl13 - Surf Ave:[/color][indent]Oh man, better known as the Coney Island Ballpark, I’ve got a lot of memories of this place. I’m sure glad it’s helping someone, a few hundred someones by the sound of things. Place was almost a fortress already, with security checkpoints into the building still in good, secure order. A few cell phone pics show the field wall as been built up, and an enormous patchwork canvas has been drawn over the field-like a giant tent. Supposed to help keep the light and noise down, but everybody knows anything more than a dull murmur means attracting our not-so-friendly neighbors. They’ve still got lots of room, and you’re welcome to build a small hovel wherever you see fit. I think there are maximum size limitations though. Just don’t make much noise doing it, take one of those professional nail guns.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» Gateway Marina | Sector Bl18 - Flatbrush Ave:[/color][indent]So we know that the ferals don’t like water already, but these people are particularly clever. This Marina houses more than a hundred boats on piers with only one way in. Seems they rigged up a little drawbridge from the metal on ramp, and added a bit of apocalyptic themed fortifications. Despite the relative safety, they still keep a watch. Also, not sure how you get into a settlement like this but, they also catch fish making them a viable source of food. Let’s just hope you survive the journey there, yea?[/indent][color=fce0cd]» CVU | Sector Bl18 - Avenue U:[/color][indent]Part Pharmacy, part grocery retailer, this place is another one of those fortress like stores with few windows, especially low ones. Had an impressive entry once, I’ve been there, but I’m sure it’s all boarded up now. This is another small operation, trading medicine for supplies. Rinse, and repeat. Prices are a little better however, they don’t get as many visitors as the other places I hear. Most of their trade comes from down the road, The Marina. I bet they’re getting sick of eating fish[/indent][/indent][/indent][/hider][hider=Staten Island] [indent][indent][color=fce0cd]» Caddell Dry Dock and Repair | Sector S1 - Richmond Tce:[/color][indent]Just like after the release of the Jaws movie, less people are willing to go out on boats these days. But that doesn't stop the few residents that live at the dry docks. Stockpiles of food aren't really kept here since fish isn't easy to keep without it smelling terrible after a day or so with no good fridges. However they do have a fair amount of workshop tools at their disposal, making it a pretty good place to go get your busted stuff repaired. Services don't come cheap, so bring a good amount of food and materials for trade. The place is locked pretty tight, there's generally only one way in and out if you're not a part of their posse. A nice thick steel door.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» CUNY College of Staten Island | Sector S2 - Loop Rd:[/color][indent]As always, colleges make for good frat party locations and strongholds. The facilities in this place are more or less functional, except any patch of green was replaced with a small farm. It's a self sufficient place filled which quite a few people. You could probably tell that most of them are college students since you can sometimes here a few of them shouting something stupid. Although they're willing to trade food and alcohol, the place is generally quite locked up. Sometimes I wonder how they can keep such a massive campus on lock down. I'll get back to you on that.[/indent][color=fce0cd]» Staten Island University Hospital | Sector S3 - Seguine Ave:[/color][indent]There's always at least one hospital running somewhere in these wastelands. It operates like a proper hospital, but the fees are more exorbitant than before. They've got a good supply of medical goods, so I'd suggest bringing good quality produce with you if you want any hope of trading with them. Sick people don't get pity treatment in this neck of the woods and attempting to break in doesn't end well. I heard the doc's got tranquilliser darts strong enough to take down an elephant. God knows why they'd need that.[/indent][/indent][/indent][/hider][/indent][/indent] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/wF9H2F3.jpg[/img][/center][/color]