[center][color=00CED1][h3]The Iceborn[/h3][/color][/center] [hr] [b]A) Improve Food[/b] In the back of one of the new longhouses the Iceborn had designated an area as their food stockpile, though by this point it was generous to even call it a stockpile. There were but a few barrels and crates of smoked fish and salted meat, and that was expected to feed the entire tribe as they worked on their stomach. With a grunt Dag opened one barrel to see if the provisions were beginning to turn, and with mixed disappointment and fear he found that barrel [i]empty.[/i] It could wait no longer. Now that they had roofs above their heads, the tribe's attention would need to be turned towards finding food and averting a starvation. Fortunately, Dagshall was blessed to be upon the coast and have not one but two rivers within eye's sight. It hardly took imagination to see what they should do. By his decree, a band of workers was immediately assembled to begin building a small pier on the coast as well as a few small fishing boats. With those the tribe would never have to hunger, be it winter or be it summer. As the chieftain left the food store, he caught sight of one small girl eating a piece of fish for dinner. Her smile warmed his cold heart like the sunlight warmed one's face, yet a girl that could only be her elder sister almost choked upon the food. His eyes snapped towards her immediately to see if she spat it out. Though the taste fish did grow bland if it was all that one had, to waste food was a grievous thing indeed for the Iceborn. They had lived the past decade on the brink of starvation, so not even a morsel was allowed to waste. The girl noticed Dag and locked eyes with him. "Does this new land have milk and cheese?" she asked hopefully. Without thinking, he answered with words that cut like a frigid wind, "An Iceborn takes what she is given, and thanks the gods for her blessings." He left with a scowl, but it melted as her words still echoed through his mind. The last of their livestock had been butchered long ago, probably before that girl had even known how to speak. Yet she still remembered milk and cheese. They had endured so many hardships... For the children, he would try to give them their milk and cheese. To do that they would need some sort of livestock, yet here they had none. Memories of the mountain goats of his Fatherland came back to Dag, and he knew that they could be milked. Hopefully, he looked to those harsh mountains in the distance. His tribe's ships had wrecked upon those fjords, yet with every curse there came a blessing too. Perhaps some goats lived in those mountains? Dag arranged a small group, and ordered them to search those mountains and capture him a herd of goats. It was a tall order, to be sure, but it would be well worth it. [hider=Iceborn] tl;dr -A pier and some fishing boats are built -Some guys go to the nearby mountains looking for some goats to capture and domesticate Being experienced fishermen and having setted by both river and sea, the Iceborn decide to make fishing a primary source of their food. Dag arranges a band of tribespeople to begin construction of a small pier and some fishing boats. The young ones, meanwhile, miss cheese and milk. Dag feels bad for the hardships that they had to endure, and so he becomes determined to find a way to give them those simple things. Since the Iceborn were unable to bring any surviving livestock with them, another band is sent towards the nearby mountains in search of goats to capture. [/hider]