[center][img]http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p185/ladythang19/0d93137e15aa53c79570875468cad3d5_zps43dee1bo.png[/img][/center] [center][h1][i][color=00a651]Cody[/color] and [color=92278f]Audrianna[/color][/i] [/h1][/center][hr][center][i]Collaboration with [@Wick][/i][/center][hr] [center][color=fff200]Day 6[/color][/center] Audrianna continued washing the dishes as Cody ate. She was hyper aware of his presence in the kitchen but continued washing the dishes silently, her mind scrambling to think of something to say. She blinked when he began bumping into her until she was displaced and he was standing directly in front of the sink. She raised an eyebrow at him when he grinned. Why was he suddenly paying so much attention to her? He didn't used to. So why now? Why--- Her thoughts were interrupted when he leaned down, pulled her towards him and began kissing her. Her eyes widened and her body immediately stiffened. She had half the mind to push him away but the other half of it wanted to kiss him back. And it was the latter half that eventually won out. Slowly, she leaned towards him and began kissing him back, all thoughts of pushing him away gone from her mind. She was breathless like he was when he finally pulled back. [color=00a651] "Why do you keep letting me kiss you? You haven't told me off once, why not?"[/color] Cody's question immediately made Audrianna's cheeks blush a bright red color. She avoided looking into his eyes and ended up looked down at her feet. [color=mediumpurple]"S-sorry. Should I have?"[/color] She sighed inwardly. [color=mediumpurple][i]He must think I'm weird,[/i][/color] she thought a little despairingly. Cody blushed a little. [color=00a651]"Well I would hope if you didn't like me you would kick me or yell at me or something. I can only assume that you like me at least a little bit because you haven't. Why are you so shy around me? I would never hurt you and I've been watching you for the last year."[/color] Realizing that the last part might sound a little creepy he explained his statement. [color=00a651]"Okaaay, that sounded creepy to my own ears. I observe people around me and you caught my attention."[/color] Cody ran his hands through his hair and put his hands on her shoulders. [color=00a651]"I like you and I don't want you to be so shy around me."[/color] Her cheeks still red, she looked up at Cody. [color=mediumpurple]"You do?"[/color] She wasn't sure if she heard him correctly. Cody was beginning to wonder how she didn't know. [color=00a651]"You weren't tipped off by all the kissing and wanting to be near you?"[/color] A shy smile spread across Audrianna's lips. [color=mediumpurple]"I didn't really wanna assume too much,"[/color] she admitted. Cody blushed and smiled at the same time. [color=00a651]"Come here."[/color] He pulled her close to him again and he put one hand on either side of her face gently and while grinning said, [color=00a651]"If any guy is finding ways or reasons to touch you or kiss you he is trying to tell you that he likes you."[/color] Cody leaned in and kissed her gently. Audrianna let him kiss her, responding with a little less shyness and a little more fervor. When they pulled away, she smiled the same shy smile. [color=mediumpurple]"And when a girl lets you kiss her, it means she likes you too."[/color] Cody grinned widely and hugged her to him with both arms. [color=00a651]"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear you say that. Are you done in here for now? Dinner isn't for several hours yet. Do you want to watch a movie now?"[/color] Audrianna shyly returned the hug. [color=mediumpurple]"Watch a movie? Now? I'd... like that but... can we? I mean, aren't we supposed to be...uhm...gathering more food and... well, I was of thinking of trying out my powers with JJ later."[/color] While it was the Commander that was inviting her, she didn't feel right lazing around when there's still too much to do. Cody looked slightly crestfallen and nodded to her. [color=00a651]"Yeah, I guess you are right. We have had some of the others bringing in food. There is always stuff around here I could be working on."[/color] He sighed with a dejected tone. [color=00a651]"JJ is only a friend right? He isn't going to steal you from me when I'm not there is he?"[/color] He asked her playfully.[color=00a651] "Since you are braving the new world out there with JJ you might want to see if Harley will go with you guys. She can counter his fire if anything goes wrong. Maybe after dinner we can watch a movie?"[/color] It was strange hearing the words from the Commander but it gave her a warm feeling that he was worrying that someone might take her attention away from him. She reached out and intertwined her fingers with his. [color=mediumpurple]"I don't think anyone will be able to steal me away. JJ is just a close friend."[/color] she assured him and then blushed when she realized how bold she sounded. [color=mediumpurple]"I-if you want, I can just help you out with whatever you need to do."[/color] Cody looked at her and smiled at her offer to help him. His next big job was a doozy. [color=00a651]"Oh sweetheart, you don't want to be anywhere near the next job I have to get setup. Go practice with JJ. I'll catch you later ok?"[/color] He reached down and pulled out his dog tags that he wore around his neck. [color=00a651]"Would you wear these?"[/color] He asked sheepishly. She felt slightly disappointed that he didn't take her up on her offer but at the same time, she felt relieved. She needed to practice her powers if she wanted to be of some use to their small group. She nodded. [color=mediumpurple]"Okay. Movie date after dinner right?"[/color] she smiled prettily and then looked at the dog tags in his hand. Did he mean for her to wear his tags? [color=mediumpurple]"I would if you want me to,"[/color] came her simple reply. Cody smiled widely and put the chain around her neck and lay it carefully so that it wouldn't choke her.[color=00a651] "I would like that very much. Okay, if you need me I'll be behind the bunker digging a trench. I'll shower before you see me tonight. I promise."[/color] He kissed her again and slid the door open to the cafeteria and headed towards the maintenance rooms. [hr][center][@POOHEAD189] [@Aeternum] [@RumikoOhara] [@Spinosaurus] [@alexfangtalon] [@Venku] [@December] [@FunnyGuy] [@King Tai] [@Oliver][/center]